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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Pią 20:44, 20 Sty 2012 Temat postu: Matt Quinlan |
Wiek: 33
Plemię: Manono
Zawód: adwokat
Powód do dumy: Otworzyłem własną firmę The Law Offices of Matthew J. Quinlan. Traktuję swoją karierę i zobowiązania wobec klientów bardzo poważnie. Możliwość utworzenia tej firmy sprawiła, że mogę zmieniać życia moich klientów i to jest coś, z czego jestem najbardziej dumny.
Życiowa inspiracja: Próbuję wyolbrzymiać swój potencjał we wszystkim, co robię. To mnie popycha naprzód każdego dnia. Oczywiście potencjał to coś nieuchwytnego, jednak mam zamiar się go trzymać do końca swojego życia.
Hobby: golf, fitness i różne sporty
Irytuje mnie: Narzekanie, pesymism i przesadny subiektywizm.
3 słowa, którymi się opisze: ambitny, optymistyczny i słowny
Gracz, do którego się porówna: Widziałem wiele sezonów Survivora i nie jestem w stanie wskazać uczestnika, który mi siebie przypomina, muszę więc odpowiedzieć, że nikt. Nie planuję grać tak jak jakikolwiek były gracz. Jeśli inni planują grać jak byli zawodnicy, to pewnie przekombinują i wpadną w tarapaty. Jeśli mi się to uda, chcę prowadzić odważną, ewolucyjną i innowacyjną grę, która wzniesie Survivor'a na wyższy poziom.
Dlaczego przetrwa: Prędzej umrę zanim zrezygnuję. Jedyny sposób, żebym opuścił tę wyspę, to jakaś dziura w moim ciele albo zgaszenie mojej pochodni.
Dlaczego wygra: Myślę, że mam wiele atrybutów, które pomogą mi odnieść sukces w tej grze: wysportowanie, mądrość, charyzmę itd. Te cechy sprawią też, że pewnie stanę się celem, więc wykombinowanie tego, jak używać tych cech, by nie były zbyt widoczne, będzie kluczem do mojego sukcesu.
Matt mówi: Jestem tu po to, żeby wygrać i muszę wykorzystać wszystkie swoje zasoby. Jestem mądry, chętny do walki i przystojny. Chcę kontrolować tą grę. Pozostali będą potrzebowali silnego faceta w swoim plemieniu, bo nikt nie chce wrócić do domu.
Jeff mówi: Matt jest kolejnym ciemnym charakterem w plemieniu facetów. Jest przystojny i bardzo charyzmatyczny. Jeśli pozostali odkryją jego prawdziwe oblicze i to, że Matt potrafi być bardzo podstępny, będzie to mogło obrócić się przeciwko niemu.
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Dołączył: 12 Mar 2011
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Wysłany: Sob 0:29, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Wrażenie pozytywne, widać motywację ale niekoniecznie podszytą głupotą jaka bije od niektórych opisów uczestników. Jeśli nie znajdzie się ktoś sprytniejszy, kto obwoła go zagrożeniem, to może zajść daleko. Trochę przypomina mi Dave'a z szóstki.
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Sob 8:50, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Z facetów zrobił na mnie najbardziej pozytywne wrażenie i jest jednym z moich faworytów. Mądre i inteligentne wypowiedzi i brak "honoru i uczciwości" yay.
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Sob 9:04, 18 Lut 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 1:
I'm a Leader
Matt is looking to lead his tribe and influence others to vote for him at the end.
"My name's Matt. I'm 33, I'm from San Francisco, California. I'm a trial attorney, and I specialize in personal injury law."
"Personal injury attorneys get a bad rap at times, and I think it's quite unfair, actually. It's a long story, but basically, there's a big battle between big business and the insurance companies against trial attorneys. Trial attorneys typically fund the Democratic Party, and big business funds the Republican Party. Oftentimes there's a big kind of media fight, and oftentimes, big business and all their money wins out, and people think everybody like me is some kind of ambulance chaser and in it for myself, which is totally untrue."
"I'm not going to tell everybody I'm a lawyer. I don't want that to work against me in any way. I don't want people to think I have some big advantage with the jury, or to persuade people, or have some way with my words, which I do, and that will be my advantage, but I don't want them to see that, initially. I think being a lawyer, you're a problem-solver. That's going to help me out here. I interact with people, I solve people's problems, including my own. I think I'm at a pretty big advantage when it comes to that."
"I'm a big Survivor fan, and I've always dreamed about coming out here on the show. Now that I'm actually here, and it's about to begin, I'm just anxious to get going. I want to play an aggressive game, I want to play it as hard as I can. I want to enjoy it all, experience it all, and whatever I can do to maximize that, I'm going to do."
"By my nature, I'm a leader. I'm a terrible follower or subordinate, so that's not what I'm going to do. I'm looking to find somebody that will initially give me their vote and allow me to control them. That will give me more power in the game. I'll have two votes instead of one, of course. I want to slowly but steadily build the dominant alliance in my tribe in the first few days."
"People are going to view me as a physical threat, and I am going to be athletic in the challenges. That's gonna help me out of the chute when I'm on a team with people. It will allow me some time, too, leading into the merge, to kind of set my hooks, kind of develop those relationships, work on my alliances. But really, I'm relying on a lot more than just that. I think there are some people out here who offer more than athleticism. The strength of my game is going to be strategic, it's going to be using my social savvy and charisma to manipulate the game, manipulate the group, to make it what I want it to be."
"I have some experience in the outdoors. I've camped, and backpacked, and whitewater rafted. I was a Boy Scout when I grew up. That being said, I'm a white-collar guy. I'm a lawyer. I live in the big city. I oftentimes don't get out to promote places like this. It doesn't intimidate me in any way, and I think I'm just as capable as most of these people in terms of getting around out here."
"My biggest weakness is probably my reluctance to follow. Out here, in a big game like this, there's a lot going on socially. If I'm constantly pushing myself to the front, constantly trying to have my way, people are gonna want to get rid of me. I'm either gonna annoy them, or I'm gonna threaten 'em. Either way, they're gonna want to get rid of me. I'm gonna have to do my best to pick my times to when I want to step to the front, pick my times to when I'm loud, and other times, I just need to back off. If I'm unable to do that, that could be my doom."
"Of course I wanna win a million dollars. Who doesn't want to put a million dollars in their bank account? I recently opened my law firm. Of course having a million dollars would go a long way to having security in that regard. But more than anything, I want to win. That's not to say I don't care about the money. Of course I care about the money. But I want to win. When I'm out here playing, I'm playing to win, I'm not playing to win a million dollars. I don't sit around and think, 'It's for a million, it's for a million.' That's not my attitude at all. I recognize it's at the end of the rainbow if I get there, but I'm here to win, I'm here to compete, I'm here to play a competitive game."
"My biggest concern going in is when we hit the merge, and this game turns individual, that I'm gonna be a target. That's why I'm trying to create some us vs them attitude going into the merge. Whether that be my tribe, whether that be my alliance vs someone else's. I can't ever allow the people around me to view it solely as an individual game, because if that's the case, I'm gone. My goal is gonna be to let us get them, whoever that might be, and then work on them, buying me more time on the island."
"I think the #1 thing I'm gonna rely on out here is my charisma, and my ability to interact with people, to have people want to be with me, want to work with me, play with me. I think ultimately at the end of the day, that's what's going to get me the farthest."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Pią 21:08, 24 Lut 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 2:
My Pants Are Falling Down
After only four days on Survivor, Matt is losing weight and his pants.
(Matt carving an extra hole in his belt with a machete)
"My pants are falling down. They were a little big to start with, but not eating for 4 days doesn't help matters. Get a new hole, so I can pull my pants up."
"It's tough out here not eating. Can't be having more than 3-4-500 calories a day, eating coconut, fish, crab legs, and whatnot. It really takes a lot of energy out of you when you don't have any food. There's plenty of water, but you've gotta work so hard for it you're probably not drinking enough water, either. But it's what we all knew what was coming, and trying to stay as healthy as possible so we can compete in challenges, so we can have the energy to work around camp, stay friendly with each other. You get depleted of the things you take for granted. Starts feeling kind of tough to even get along with people. But we manage to do a good job with that. We've got a tight tribe, have a lot of fun, laugh a lot. We're all just kind of suffering together, and there's some camaraderie in that."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Wysłany: Pią 16:13, 02 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 3 - 2 filmiki:
Secret Scene: Matt
(day 8 )
(Jonas and Troyzan are fishing in separate areas; Matt is walking with a coconut in his hand)
Matt (solo): I've talked to Troy at length about a new alliance. It's understood with Troy and I, and the rest of the guys I'm with, Mike and Jay, that things are changing, and Troy is good with that, he seems. Jonas is Troy's right-hand man. I don't really have much of a relationship with Jonas at this point, and I want that to change. I have to open up those lines of communication. I have to show Jonas he can trust me.
(Matt goes to talk to Jonas)
Matt: You and Troy spoke about what Troy and I (?).
Jonas: Yeah.
Matt: It's currently me, Mike, and Jay, and there a bunch of guys in the middle of it that are ultimately going to determine our fate if we don't rearrange something. Why are we doing all the work around here, why are we playing this game the best and the hardest, when we have everything to lose?
Jonas: I agree with you, because ultimately I don't want someone who's been lazy ass, doing nothing, beating me.
Jonas (solo): So Matt came up to me, and he said, you know, hey, I know we've been on opposite alliances, but now it's time we unite. And I said, OK, that sounds really good. But I don't want to work with Matt and Mike. I don't really have any relationship with him. They could be a little more liked, especially by the women - I think the women think they're all hot and sexy and all that stuff. I don't need that against me.
Matt: We're also a bunch of smart guys, you know what I mean? I want guys on my side I can count on, because when we merge, and I look around, I have to look around and say, these guys are with me. When you look at Colton, look at Leif, look at Bill, all the guys that are trying to have it every which way possible, guess what's gonna happen? Ding! You're gone, I'm gone, whichever one makes the merge, they're all gone. I want us to do each other like a five, not like a three and a two, whatever it is.
Jonas: I respect that quality. That's who I am. I believe in that. I do.
Matt (solo): I think I got through to Jonas. I usually know when I get through to people, and I felt like he heard me. His eyes were open and so was his ears, and I think he heard what I said. I think he realized it makes a lot of sense.
Jonas: I'm gonna talk it over with Troy, and if and when we commit, it's 100%.
Matt (solo): One way of looking at it is if he goes along with my plan tonight, he's already telling me he's with me. We're gonna go through this game five-strong, see where that takes us.
Matt: Just for now, let's keep this conversation in confidence. The only people who know what the real plan is you two, me, Mike, and Jay. Everyone else is going to get to Tribal Council tonight and be shocked.
Jonas (solo): Matt is the kind of guy, he doesn't talk to me all 7 days, and all the sudden, out of the blue, he comes rushing up to me and wants to make an alliance. I'm looking forward to getting rid of Matt, cause he is such a power player.
(Matt and Jonas shake hands and Matt leaves)
Matt the Day After
Matt reflects on his time in the game the day after he is voted out of SURVIVOR: ONE WORLD.
"My experience was great. I was really looking forward to playing. I wasn't anticipating the male vs female format, and I think that really worked against me as much as anybody in the game. That part of it was frustrating. I can't help feeling like I don't deserve to be here, didn't anticipate being here. I feel like my game is better than most people, if not everybody out there. To be one of the first people out was quite a shock and really frustrating. With that being said, I'm grateful I had an opportunity to play. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity for most people, and I learned a lot from it."
"I learned that even though I'm a white-collar guy, I've got kind of a blue-collar edge to me, surviving out here, that a lot of people probably wouldn't want to give me credit for. It's not something I learned about myself, but it was nice to kind of put myself in a position where you can kind of prove what you're worth, test your mettle, find out what you're all about, deep down at the core when you don't have all the amenities of modern society. You're out there just kind of roughing it, y'know? I can rough with the best of 'em."
"I think I have a whole lot to offer this game. I think every single person who encountered me out there realized that quickly. I think my tribe was smart to put my name on the priority list. I don't think it was the top priority, and I think they made a mistake by getting so focused on me that they lost sight of using Tribal Council efficiently - for example, flushing Colton's idol. Or doing two things instead of one - if Colton hadn't played his idol, they could have got rid of a player and an idol. If he had, they could have got rid of an idol and somebody else. They didn't do that. To me, that's wasteful. Being a student of the game, I can't help looking and saying, 'You guys aren't playing right.' That's not sour grapes from my point, but they're not playing the game as well as they should have."
"Being on Survivor is a big deal. People...it's a popular show, otherwise it wouldn't be going on for 12 years. I'm sure in the foreseeable future, for years to come, I'm gonna be asked a million questions about my experience out here and how it really is. All I can is it's intense and it's real. There's no handouts, no helping hands when you need one. You're stranded. You've got yourself, you've got nature, you've got your tribemates; that's really about it. There's nothing you don't see. There's nothing going on behind the scenes that makes the game any easier than it is. If it looks hard, it is. If it looks easy, you're wrong."
"I think my tribemates looked at me and said, here's this big, athletic, handsome dude that's gonna come in here and take the spotlight away from me. He'll probably beat me at the challenges, maybe the tribe of women will take a liking to him and that will give him an advantage. Seems like he's smart, so I'm not sure exactly where I excel over this guy. That's what you do when you're out there, you make comparisons between yourself and others. That's the name of the game. You have to try to select who you can beat for the million bucks. I think there was a lot of things about me that made an easy target, in terms of this guy's threatening. Without the aspect of the game that protected me, which is the team element at first, I didn't really have anything to combat that. For that reason, I was somewhat helpless out there."
"When we split men-women, I was like, it's gonna be tough now, it's gonna be tough. I could have played the women angle better. The main thing to point out about the male vs female split, format of the game, was that the guys were right to assume the challenges would be pretty unisex. It can't be super-physical when you're competing against the women. The guys assumed very quickly the challenges would be based on coordination, or balance, or puzzle-making, or that type of thing, as opposed to any physical aspect, and they were right. When you took that element away, there's a lot of guys on my tribe who said, 'Well, I might not be as physical as Matt, but I'm sure I can make a puzzle up as well as he can, or I can balance as well as he can. So that being said, why do we need to keep around a threat?' They were gunning for me from day one. Typically, I think a guy like me is probably running for his life from the merge; I was running for my life from day one."
"The only thing I can say is how grateful I am to come out here. It really is a dream to be involved with something so iconic as the game of Survivor. If I can do my little part in making it what it is, making it as great as it is, associating myself with something held in such high esteem, I'm proud of that. I'm proud to have been a part of it. I'm proud to have spent 8 days out there and survived. I'm proud to have met the people I did, and I'm proud of myself. I'm just very thankful."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Wysłany: Sob 22:03, 03 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Wywiad z Matt'em:
“It’s Impossible to Have Control” – Exclusive Interview with Survivor: One World’s Matt
Matt seemed like the type to be a strong leader in many Survivor seasons, so why does he think things went awry for him? Why did it seem to viewers that he believed his less-than-majority alliance would have the power? And what happened to that alliance when the chips were down at Tribal Council? What does he really think of Colton? (You may well be surprised!) Why was he so angry with Tarzan? And what would he have changed from a strategic standpoint if he’d had the benefit of hindsight? Matt tells us all of this and much more right here!
Matt came off as rather intense on Survivor, but in this interview, he was nothing like the persona we saw on TV. Indeed, Matt began this interview by telling me he had a lot to say, and he was right! I had many more questions to ask him, but we just ran out of time. However, for you, the reader, that means you get a lot of good stuff from him about his strategy, some of the other players, and more. So read on!
R: Hi, Matt, and thanks for talking to us. I had predicted you as a finalist, so I obviously wish I’d been talking to you much later in the season, though I suspect you are even less happy!
Matt: Thanks for the faith in me. We both feel the same way.
R: Last night you tweeted that today you’d be doing a number of interviews, with each of us asking you, “WTF happened?” So I’ll go ahead and ask: WTF happened?!
Matt: I think it was a combination of Survivor generally and that there are a lot of moving parts and it’s hard to predict and it’s complicated. There is so much going on out there that it’s impossible to have control over it. You just hope to be out of the way for the most part. There’s a lot of good or bad fortune that comes along. That combined with the men vs. women format permitted my early exit. That format made me expendable when, in a traditional format, I would not have been.
R: You mention that it’s impossible to have control over everything, but in some of your confessionals, you seemed to think you did have control.
Matt: Control is kind of a vague term. I had control over small parts of it – over my mini reality. I did have some control. There is so much going on in the game that affects you. Some of it I realized after I played or upon reflection as we’re talking. It’s impossible to manipulate or have a handle on it all. All you can do is try to control yourself and what’s immediately around you and hope that has ripple effects to what’s less controllable.
R: You had your core alliance, but you only pulled together four instead of a majority of five. Why didn’t you bring in that additional person?
Matt: Initially, we were working with Colton as well. At the very beginning, as we all got into camp, there was a reluctance to commit to one another. Nobody formed a quick four or five. The girls did and in past seasons, some people did that quickly. That was not the case for us.
I was informed that I was on the block from the beginning. Everybody realized that the men vs. women format made me expendable. I was aware I was up for elimination and knew I had to gather the people who were threatened the same way I was. Mike and Jay and Bill and myself were the young, kind of athletic type guys. Those four came together easily because I was able to sell them fear.
We also had Colton, who also didn’t really fit in with the misfits, as they have been labeled by themselves. We were working with Colton for the first few days until he got the immunity idol. I of course appreciate the need for a majority. There was wishy-washy people on that side, like Leif and Tarzan. The only people who came together quickly were Troy and Jonas and then the four of us.
R: Bill was part of your alliance, as you mentioned, but he voted against you and Tarzan even described Bill as something of a “floater” – what was your take on his allegiance?
Matt: Bill was a floater. Our alliance was kind of burned in people’s minds from Episode 1. A lot changes out there quickly. By the eighth day, it’s a whole different world. Jay voted against me too. [Interviewer’s Note: I knew that, of course, but didn’t mention it because it was explained in the episode, whereas Bill’s vote was not.]
We lost the numbers when Colton got the idol and went from being with us to I-don’t-know-where-I’m-going-to-be. Colton got really diva-like when he got that idol. We were losing him but he hadn’t flipped yet. He wanted to be wooed.
Starting on say day three or four, things started getting loosey-goosey as to who was down for whom. Bill was the fourth person in our alliance only because he was wishy-washy – he wasn’t somebody I could definitely count on. He would have gone with us if we’d had the numbers, but so would everybody. He was not somebody I was banking on when the chips were down, and the chips were down. Bill was a floater and things change fast out there.
R: You mentioned Colton – what do you really think of him, especially now after you’ve seen him on TV?
Matt: I feel like he is getting the reaction in the public is similar to me, either you love him or you hate him – there’s no in-between. I don’t know if it’s ironic or not, but if you love Colton you hate me; if you hate Colton, you love me. I can appreciate where he sits.
Ultimately, I think he’s an underrated player and there is a method to his madness. I know I underestimated him over the first four or five days. I thought he was a young kid who was emotional and naïve and didn’t really have it together enough to do anything other than run around like his hair’s on fire. On day four or five, I realized he is a force to beckoned with – the men vs. women format wasn’t a nightmare for him like he was trying to sell. I realized I underestimated him and I should have treated him differently.
I originally felt I could control Colton. We were both from the South and I had a bond with him. But he’s not the type of guy you can control. He’s an undercover alpha male and I didn’t get that for a while. I wish I’d picked up on that earlier. Hindsight being 20/20, I’d have worked with him. He’s coming across like the ultimate villain but I think he’s a pretty damn good Survivor player.
R: And what about Tarzan? We hadn’t seen any conflict between you and him on the show, but then it came out at Tribal Council. What was that all about?
Matt: When we went to Tribal Council, that was obviously a big moment and I knew I was vulnerable. I had kind of hatched a plan with Troy and Jonas – and there is a web clip that also tells that story more. [Editor’s Note: We will of course be posting our usual recaps of the web clips within the next few days.]
I went to Tribal Council thinking either I was going home or Colton, in my plan, was going. That was the plan. When we got to Tribal Council and Tarzan was talking and saying, “We’ve got the five and we’re sticking together,” it became blatantly obvious that my plan didn’t take and I was going home and I was frustrated.
I think he’s a cool guy, but he’s vocal and loud and obnoxious. That’s funny when his demeanor doesn’t harm you, but he was raising his hand and trying to make sure people didn’t change who they were voting for and I was annoyed and not in the mood to listen to him hem and haw and speak cryptically. It took everything I could to try not to blow up at that Tribal Council. It did leak a little bit, which is what you saw.
R: I’ve been told we’re out of time, but before we go, is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your time on Survivor?
Matt: I’m just so thankful in a very genuine way about the opportunity to play. If anything, I’ve realized that people love Survivor. There are so many crazy fans. Given that, I’m so thankful to have the opportunity. Whether you love or hate me, I’m happy we were able to form that connection.
R: Thanks again, Matt!
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