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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Pią 14:35, 20 Sty 2012 Temat postu: Michael Jefferson |
Wiek: 30
Plemię: Manono
Zawód: bankier
Życiowa inspiracja: Mój ojciec jest moim bohaterem. Jest takim mężczyzną, jakim chciałbym być. Wiele się od niego nauczyłem i te umiejętności zostaną ze mną do końca życia.
Hobby: siłownia, kajaki i piłka nożna
Irytują mnie: jak ktoś je w irytujący sposób, nieświeży oddech, ludzie, którzy chrząkają podczas ćwiczeń na siłowni i ludzie, którzy "muszą" zapalić.
3 słowa, które Cię opisują: Lider, ambitny i zorganizowany.
Uczestnik Survivora, którego przypominasz: Po pierwsze Ethan, bo prowadził bardzo czystą grę i zaszedł daleko. Po drugie Rupert, bo mówię to, co mi leży na sercu, a nie w głowie.
Powód bycia w Survivorze: To marzenie mojej mamy. Survivor to jej ulubiny program. Ona marzyła o tym, żebym stał się uczestnikiem i wygrał. To także dla mnie szansa, by odbyć podróż do nieznanej mi części świata.
Dlaczego przetrwasz w Survivorze: Jestem urodzonym liderem, który wie, kiedy trzymać język za zębami. Ludzie zawsze słuchają moich opinii. Jestem pracusiem. Jestem bardzo towarzyską osobą. W tej grze jest sporo wbijania nożów w plecy, ale nie sądzę, żeby to mi się przytrafiło.
Dlaczego wygrasz Survivora: Jestem upartą osobą i zazwyczaj dostaję to, czego chcę. Jestem urodzonym liderem, ale potrafię usunąć się na bok, żeby uwaga spadła na kogoś innego. Jestem bardzo przekonywujący. Umiem trzymać swoich wrogów blisko, bo wtedy łatwiej jest ich kontrolować i przewidzieć ich ruchy. Nie da się mnie powstrzymać!
Michael mówi: Mój cel to zaprzyjaźnienie się z wszystkimi paniami, młodymi i starymi. Muszę być przez nie lubiany. Jeśli chodzi o pierwsze wrażenie, mogą mnie wziąć za palanta i z tego powodu mnie wyeliminować.
Jeff mówi: Michael będzie ciemnym charakterem. Już na samym początku zaczął kraść rzeczy kobietom, co było zabawnym i dobrym ruchem. Nie wiem, czy okaże się miłym gościem, który na koniec się usprawiedliwi, że po prostu grał w tą grę, czy może jest jest agresywnym i silnym kolesiem.
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sole survivor
Dołączył: 12 Mar 2011
Posty: 2029
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Pomógł: 6 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Stargard/Poznań
Wysłany: Sob 1:29, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
"Irytują mnie (...) ludzie, którzy "muszą" zapalić. "
A myślałem, że go polubię xD
A na poważnie. Daje do zrozumienia, że udział nie był jego planem i chce po prostu wybrać się w podróż no i to porównanie się do typu "pracusia" i lidera... Jakoś bym na niego nie postawił, ale zobaczymy:)
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Sob 8:38, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Jeden z wielu lalusiów w tym sezonie, którzy są "śliczni" i chcą grać z "honorem i uczciwością"...
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Wysłany: Sob 9:28, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Skoro Survivor to marzenie jego mamy, to jego mama mogła się zgłosić, a nie on.
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3 jury member
Dołączył: 23 Sie 2011
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Pomógł: 2 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Kraków
Wysłany: Pią 17:30, 17 Lut 2012 Temat postu: Re: Michael Jefferson |
ciriefan napisał: |
Uczestnik Survivora, którego przypominasz: Po pierwsze Ethan, bo prowadził bardzo czystą grę i zaszedł daleko. Po drugie Rupert, bo mówię to, co mi leży na sercu, a nie w głowie.
po pierwszym odcinku już wiadomo w czym przypomina Ruperta
ale do Ethana to mu daleko
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Sob 9:12, 18 Lut 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 1:
Michael knows how to work others to get what he wants and he wants to win Survivor.
"My name's Michael."
"I'm a huge fan of the show. I've watched the show for just about every season it's aired. The only show my mom and I have watched together, the only show I actually watched whole seasons of. It took a lot of work to get here, but I'm here to prove I can handle it."
"This is my third time applying. I tried and tried and tried, and this last time I finally got on."
"My biggest asset is that I can work with anybody. I've told people before, my job, I work with drug dealers to millionaires. That's my demographic. I can get along with anybody. I can tell stories, get 'em to laugh, and everybody trusts me. I think just with the array of people out here, getting a good read on people, I know where they're coming from. I can work with anybody."
"My strategy coming into this - right off the bat I need to make alliances with the women. That's huge. I think if they got their head right, they would just vote off the guys right away. If they just got together and said, 'Let's vote out the guys,' the guys would have no shot. That would be their greatest tool. My greatest tool is I can flirt with the old ones and the young ones, just to get on the girls' side right away. The guys, I can handle that, but the girls, you have to win their hearts."
"My brother, when I was 16, he was 15. It was summertime and he was out camping in the woods with his friends. One of the guys stole a gun, and they were playing, and it just went off. It took about a week before he passed away. He was shot in the head. It was a huge family moment, and it brought us together. Not the best circumstances, but kind of showed me who I am and I became a leader in my family, over my dad and my mom. They didn't have the mindset to control the way things were gonna go. I kind of took the reigns and led the family."
"Yeah, losing my brother - it changed me...you can't say that's for the better, because that's a huge moment in your life, but it made me realize I can do anything I want to do. If I want something bad enough, I'll get it. This show, if I want to win, I'll get it. He's out here with me during the game with me, hopefully keeping me out of trouble."
"I'm definitely single right now."
"I will take it as it comes. I'm not opposed to letting anything happen out here. If I have to work one of the ladies to get farther in the game, I'll do that. I don't want to hurt any feelings, but that's life."
"My family, we grew up camping. We were always out there, rain or shine. We were out there as a family, camping. We started tents - that's not much, I can make a tent. I can make one out of leaves and sticks. I'm not opposed to getting bit my mosquitoes. I'm OK with getting sunburnt and not eating for a while. I'm really excited to challenge myself with the extreme of no food."
"My biggest thing is the lack of sleep. I like to get my sleep. 7 hours a night. I can't sleep when there's noise. If somebody's snoring, I am not gonna be happy. I can't stand when people eat, the noises they make, stinky people. Those are my big three."
"I don't think there's too many challenges I'm gonna have. I know I'm a worker, I like to stay busy. I'm capable of catching food, that's not a problem. I just need to keep my mouth shut. When I get irritated, I run my mouth, and that's the biggest thing I have to do, just zip it. Don't put a target on your back right away, let everybody else do that. Let everybody else mouth their angers and all that. I have to keep my mouth shut."
"Being a physical threat - I think there are few people here that are more of a physical threat than me. That's what I like to see. I'm a physical threat on the outside, but I have a good personality, I'm witty and funny, and that's gonna buy myself a lot of time and a lot of points with everybody."
"I'm gonna win the million dollars because I can work well with anybody. I can feel what's going on. If I feel the tides are turning in my direction, I will plant lies in their head. I have a way with getting what I want. If I need something, I will make it happen. There's no stopping me."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 20:54, 24 Lut 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 2:
Disgrace To Our Tribe
Michael complains about a fellow tribemate not pulling his weight around camp.
"The biggest thing for me is Colton doesn't do anything. Each day it's driving me more and more crazy. He sleeps next to me in the shelter all night and he shakes and whines like a baby, but he doesn't do anything to make it better. He doesn't collect any food, he doesn't get any firewood, he doesn't do anything. Nothing. He feels he has this given right to be on our tribe and hang out. I don't know where he gets this from. It's a disgrace to our tribe. He's a disgrace to our tribe."
"Colton refuses to work. He knows what to do. He knows what needs to be done. He knows if he grabs one piece of camp on the way back from the girls' camp, after hanging out with them, that would probably help. It's one more piece of wood. He doesn't do anything. He feels like it's a vacation. Colton's just here to hang out."
"In this game you have to worry about other people's feelings. You have to watch what you say and do, and unfortunately that was my biggest thing going in here, and already I'm getting on Colton's nerves because I'm running my mouth and expressing how I feel. But that's what I do in the real world. If you're not getting something done, I'm gonna let you know. If I go home in a couple days because of that, that's just who I am, unfortunately. I'm not gonna be too upset about it. I just don't want Colton to get too far. He doesn't deserve to be in this game."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 16:24, 02 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 3:
One Big Happy Family
Michael reveals the impact of the rain on both tribes.
"The storm came in last night. It was super-windy, super-rainy. It was really cold. It's the first night the guys have slept together. Usually we're all spread out - we're guys. We're one big happy family right now. (laughs)"
"Those women came over this morning, soaking wet. Their hands, it looked like they were sitting in the bathtub for five hours. I can't believe rain can do that to your hands. It's raining and windy right now. Can't imagine sleeping like this."
"With challenges, the less sleep they get and the less food they get, the better chance we have of winning. In that aspect, OK, yeah, I hope they suffer a little bit. But just to get a little peacetime at our fire is not gonna do anything. If you spend all night suffering, your day's gonna be rough."
"Rain out here, if it starts to rain, it can rain a whole week. It's not just rain in Seattle, this ran comes down pretty hard. We have a tarp on our tent, and it was still dripping through it. That shows how much rain is really going on."
"Their camp this morning, it was like a hurricane came through it. Their roof is hardly there anymore, their stuff is scattered around. It looks like a hurricane and a bear came through and did what it wanted last night. Compared to ours, ours is still standing and it's just a little bit cold and wet."
"The women don't have a lot of things to be positive about right now. I don't even think they ate breakfast this morning."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 21:10, 09 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 4:
Hope It Doesn't Bite Me
Michael reveals his role in Manono's decision to give up immunity.
"We won the challenge today by a longshot. It was huge. We won immunity. But I saw Troy swimming out going to Tarzan, and I knew they were talking about something. They came in, and their plan is to give the girls immunity."
"If it's a baseball team, and you're the pitcher, it's like throwing the game. I don't really feel comfortable doing it, but I'm still trying to get back in with my group, so I have to agree with them. If I'm the only guy saying no, it's not gonna make me look good with the eight other guys. Seven other guys."
"Even though I don't feel 100% confident. We won today. That buys us all a few more days. We could vote out Leif 2 days from now. We could vote out Bill 4 days from now. Now we're gonna shorten that up. I still think it could be me tonight. It could be some elaborate scheme that everybody is in on but me."
"I'm a competitor. When we win, that's huge. We lost 3 in a row. This is our first win. We're supposed to get that back, and now we're giving it away. I don't like it because I was building myself back with these guys. I'd bought myself so many more days. I caught Leif talking to Bill. That's what got this started. I told Colton and he freaked out, that's how it snowballed. Me being observant, I got this whole thing started. I hope it doesn't bite me in the butt. Bill better go home, and Leif better go next, then we better win a few challenges and merge. Then I'm back where I wanna be."
"It takes big moves in this game, but this is unheard of. I don't like handing a win over. If we lost the next immunity challenge, we could vote out Bill then. I don't understand what the point is of giving a win away. There's no point. But I have to go along with it. I can't be the only outcast of all the guys out here to say no."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Sob 10:04, 17 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 5:
Fresh Start
Michael feels good about him new tribe and his new start in the game.
"We went to our challenge today and we switched up tribes. (taps buff on head) I'm a Salani now. This morning I woke up and I was in the Manono high school. Now I'm in the Salani University. We're bigger and stronger and we're a good tribe."
"We just had some peanut butter and jelly, so that's pretty amazing. (laughs) Probably the best food I've had in 12 days. We're gonna work a little bit, then probably just relax, wash the paint off. I'm excited now because it's a fresh start."
"When I broke the egg, and I saw blue, I was, man, I'm gonna be a Salani, but then I saw more blue, more blue, more blue, and I thought, 'Man, our team is stacked.' All the strong guys."
"The only disadvantage is there's more girls than guys. They could pick us off."
"But if we win every challenge, we'll be good."
"They have Colton, they have Leif, they have Tarzan. The other tribe's not gonna do good."
"I'm feeling pretty confident. A little satisfied from the peanut butter and jelly right now, too. So, I'm good."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 23:53, 23 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 6 - 2 filmiki:
8 Bowls of Ice Cream
Mike admits to having his share at the ice cream reward.
"The challenge was bouncing a coconut on a trampoline. I didn't get any. I was too short every time. I didn't want to go over. Regardless, Salani tribe's 3 and 0, we had an ice cream party, and I ate 8 bowls of ice cream, so I'm feeling pretty good."
"As far as skill goes, that wasn't that hard of a challenge. It could have been anybody's game. But we were only ahead by like 2 at the end, and that's not much. When it comes down to a more physical challenge, Salani has it in the bag."
"We knew it was gonna be something sweet. The Salani tribe didn't want to take anything back to camp. We wanted to go somewhere, just relax for a day, and eat, eat, and eat. We did that. We just ate."
"We walked into the reward and we could see the ice cream stand. We could see the guy behind the counter and the sign with all the flavors of ice cream and different kind of floats we could have. It was a dream come true."
"I had everything. I had every single flavor. I had 8 bowls of ice cream. I had the most there. I think the next up was Jay with 4 bowls. They were looking at me thinking I was gonna puke the whole time, but I'm building it up. I wasn't hungry for dinner or breakfast, so...I'm feeling good."
It's Pretty Vague
Michael is worried that he is going home tonight.
"Treemail says both tribes are going to Tribal. Could be a good thing, could be a bad thing."
"It's Survivor: One World, so I'm thinking if both tribes go to Tribal Council, everybody may put one name down, from either name down. I think, if Manono puts my name down..."
"I go home."
"It's hard to know what's gonna happen."
"It's just a big mindgame. I always think I'm going home. Whenever I pack my bags, I think, this could be the last time I'm out here. This could be the last time I have rice with my tribe."
"The last few Tribals, I thought I was going home. With the clue I have, I could be going home, but you never know what's going on. It's hard. You have to figure it out. You have to wait until you get there."
"Treemail says it's basically no challenge. You're not gonna win or lose. Both tribes are gonna go to Tribal tonight. It's pretty vague. We just know we're going to Tribal."
"It doesn't say anybody's going home. We could just go and talk. Just make everybody talk. We could go back to guys vs girls again. I don't know."
"Just wait and see, pack your bags, and hopefully you're not going home tonight."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 21:53, 30 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 7:
No Pizza For Me
Michael is not happy about losing the pizza reward.
"Today's challenge, we had to draw rocks for teams, and unfortunately, I got the three guys on my team I don't ever wanna work with. Leif, Tarzan, and Jonas. I don't know how Leif can get stuck under a log like that. He got stuck for a good few minutes. It put us behind, but we came back, and it was neck and neck at the puzzle. You get Tarzan and Jonas - you get Tarzan anywhere, and he's going to ruin anything. I think he held back Jonas from us winning. So no pizza for me."
"Jonas was putting pieces in and Tarzan was taking them back out. At one point, I just wanted to tell Tarzan to get the hell out, because he messes up, he gets in the way of everything you're trying to do."
"If you take Tarzan to the end, nobody's gonna vote for him, so that's a safe person to have. He's not gonna win an immunity challenge. He can't do anything athletic. It's a matter of dealing with him for 21 more days. You can't do that. I'd rather vote him out and you can go up a few more days for myself and my tribe, than just keep him around."
"But it's anybody's game right now, and we have to play it day-by-day, and wait for the next vote."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 20:16, 06 Kwi 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 8 - 4 filmiki:
Secret Scene: Michael
Michael gets false assurance from Kim.
(day 21; Kim and Michael in the ocean)
Kim: I have a thought for us, so...let's chat. I just feel like you and I could do really well in this together, because we're kind of like in the middle.
Michael: Definitely. We're not...
Kim: People are not gunning for us right now.
Kim (solo): This morning, I just wanted to pull Mike aside and reassure him that I do trust him as part of our alliance, which isn't necessarily true. I don't feel like I have any type of a connection with Mike. I think Mike would turn on me in a heartbeat.
Mike: I think you guys would all be gunning for me, because I'm a guy. (?)
Kim: We're not. In the way I'm not a huge threat, I think you and I sit somewhere in the middle, where people are not necessarily so worried about us anymore. I just talked with them, but I'm way more interested in getting Troy and Jay out of here than you right now.
Mike: I was being gunned after by the Manono tribe...
Kim: But now you're not.
Mike: Because I'm going along with their guy thing.
Mike (solo): I have my Salani alliances, and that's just the way it came together. If anybody, Kim is so level-headed. Things will be fine; we have a plan.
Kim: I think they want to go with us. I really do.
Mike (solo): I don't think I'm on the radar at all right now. They're not gonna vote me out.
It Was Exhausting
Michael describes how difficult the reward challenge was to win.
"The challenge was a giant water slide. We were split into two teams, so it was basically a guys and girls mix. Tarzan sat out. You slid down this giant water slide, you ran out to the water and pulled out these giant blocks and constructed a puzzle. It was an exhausting challenge. I went first, so I had to pull a lot of puzzle pieces."
"The puzzle was very difficult, I thought. It was hard, because we were tired. We had Christina on top, calling the shots. I would spin the blocks for her, different views of things. I told her, 'I'll spin the blocks, you call the shots.' It was exhausting bringing those blocks in."
"Walking to the reward was amazing. The setup of this whole scene, off the beach, just exactly what you wanted. Away from the beach life a little bit. 7-Up everywhere, hamburgers, hot dogs, a giant grill, steak, potato salad, potato chips, coleslaw. Condiments. Pies."
"This is exactly what I wanted for a challenge. This is what I've been dreaming of for a challenge, and I got it."
"I feel like if you win a challenge, you'd better stock up on the calories. Just like the ice cream - I was strong the whole next day. Hopefully this will keep me going for at least a day or two."
"At first I didn't feel winning rewards would be a huge advantage, but as the game progresses, you can feel the energy just from having food in your stomach. Getting away from rice and eating something normal, it's huge. If we have an immunity challenge tomorrow, winning this today could help me win tomorrow."
Michael The Day After
Michael reflects on his time in the game the day after he is voted out of SURVIVOR: ONE WORLD.
"My overall experience in the game was awesome. Pre-game, in game, and after game, everything has been great. I just, 22 days out there is enough to show you what you're made of and what your body can really do."
"I learned that not eating a lot of food, that's the easy part. You can go on a cup of rice between 9 guys a day and it's not that hard. I thought I'd be so hungry, but you don't really think about it out there. It makes you appreciate friends and family more too."
"My friends and family will be impressed. The challenges I did pretty well in. I came out here and did my best. I wasn't the first person voted off - that was my biggest fear. For me to make it 22 days shows something about myself."
"If I had to do it over again I probably wouldn't have gone with Matt right off the getgo. I dug myself a small grave there and I was backtracking every day because of that move. I would have joined up with the guys that weren't as strong, like maybe Jonas, who obviously weren't the physically dominant ones. Put them on your side and get a little bit of trust from them. I didn't do that. I saw the biggest guys and thought I needed them on my side. When those guys were gone, I was the last man standing."
"Personally for me in the game, you have to provide and you have to strategize. You have to find a happy medium there. I'm a clean guy and I spent a lot of time cleaning up camp and making myself more frustrated. It wasn't good for me. I felt like I was doing too much cleaning, too much fire-gathering, when I should have been strategizing more. You have to find your happy medium. Some people can go out there and do nothing and just strategize all day, and some guys go out there and have to collect firewood and provide a little bit. I would probably cut back on the providing, a little bit less, maybe a little more strategizing."
"You have these people from all around the country and you have to work with them all. It's hard, because most of them are lying straight to your face, every day, telling you fake stories. It gets to you after a while - that was another big thing too - because they just lie, lie, lie. Even if they tell you the truth, you feel like they're lying. After a while you don't want to talk to anybody. It's game, game, game. You don't want to have a person...there's not one part of the game where I felt like I was my personal self. The first day I got voted out, I was like, 'That's not me at all.' It came back so quick. In the game, there was not one point in the game where I felt like I was me, the way I usually am."
"It is a game, a lot of guys came out here knowing it is a game. They're gonna play this game like it's Survivor. I still played Survivor like Survivor, but I wanted to be myself a little bit. Just be the trusting guy, wear my heart on my sleeve. I was open and honest the entire game, which is pretty cool. I wanted to come out here and win in an honest way. I think I got pretty far playing that way. I wouldn't want to play that way next time though. I'd be a little more deceiving."
"Very proud. I didn't throw challenges - I tried my hardest in all the challenges. I didn't back down. I played open and honest. That's exactly the way I wanted to play."
"That torch-snuffing, it's almost like you're blacked out at that moment. Everything happened so quickly. It was surreal. It was like a crazy moment. I did not expect it whatsoever. When I got my torch snuffed and walked away, I was still in disbelief that it happened, because it was so Survivor. It was beautiful how they played it out. I would rather go out that way than play like Jonas, and fight at the end knowing you're gonna go."
"I went out of the game unknowing, and usually in my everyday life I'm pretty smart when it comes to that kind of stuff. I liked the way I went out. I'd rather not know I was going. It was well-crafted. You have to like that about the game."
"When you sit at home watching the show, it is harder than you think it is. When it's challenge day, and you're out there for a challenge, you have to get ready for that challenge. You're tired and hungry. Nobody sleeps good. You don't drink a lot of water, and you don't eat a lot of food. But when the challenges come, you have to be ready to go. When you see yourself being that tired in the challenge, it's crazy, because you are that tired in the challenge."
"On a personal level, I think it's going to make me appreciate life's small luxuries. A shower, a bath, a bed, a bathroom, friends, family, food. I could go buy a bottle of water at a store for $1. I don't have to walk and grab a panful of water and boil it so I'm drinking hot water. Life's little luxuries. The most important is friends and family. Knowing when your friends hang out with you, they truly want to hang out with you, they're not inviting you for fun. They want to hang out with you. When you come out here, you don't get that at all. Nobody truly wants to hang out with you. There's always a motive. You have to talk strategy, or to get something out of you, or pull you away so somebody else can talk strategy. There's always a motive in the game. That's why the game's Survivor - it's beautiful. (laughs)"
EW Deleted Scene
We had a great night last night, stuffing ourselves with food, but after that...it's a windstorm, man. Tearing our shelter up, we're running out of wood. A great day followed by a really bad day. It's really windy and it was pouring down rain last night. We got lots of work to do today.
I ate so much food last night. I've never eaten that much in my life. I slept like a rock in there. I'm not gonna brag about it to the other guys, but I didn't mote last night at all. Today won't be bad. I have energy. I'm good to go.
My plan today is just get firewood. Fix the shelter. Maybe get some food. I'm gonna treat today like every other day, even though it's extremely windy. Hopefully it's not gonna rain on us all day.
If we have a challenge today, if it's bouncing balls on a plate, I don't think I can handle that. I think the wind will definitely affect today's challenge, if we have one.
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wywiad z Michaelem:
“We Had a Good Thing and It Just Ended Too Soon” – Exclusive Interview with Survivor: One World’s Michael
Survivor’s Michael said in his final words that he came out of the gates hot and had to backpedal. In this interview, he explains what he meant by that and why he tried to duck under the radar. He also discusses why he thought he was safe, his plans for moving forward, what he wishes would have happened, and much more!
Michael stood out for his physicality, but not in terms of strategy or making big moves. Read on to find out why he thought it was in his best interest to stay as under-the-radar as he could, how he was fooled into thinking he was safe, who is playing the best game now, and much more!
R: Hello, Mike, and thanks for taking the time to talk to us today! Starting at the end, you said in your final words that you came out of the gates too hot and were backpedaling ever since. Can you elaborate on what you meant by that?
Michael: Matt and I were part of the strong guy alliance with Jay and I put Matt ahead of me as a leader so we could just run the show without a target on my back. But he got voted out so quick, I felt like as soon as he left, the target was on my back. We came out hot but it was lost so quick.
R: To what do you attribute that turnaround, other than to Colton?
Michael: We started nine girls versus nine men but it was more like ten against eight right off the bat. Colton would have been happy for the guys to lose. He was poison for our tribe, but just the men versus women was the key. Any guy would vote out any tribemate just because they felt they could beat any woman. Matt left far too soon.
R: Having seen last night’s episode, what are your thoughts on the way Kim manipulated Troyzan to get him to help vote you out?
Michael: I think she made a smart move. He fell for her plan. We wanted to keep the numbers closer for guys and girls but she knew how to play him. Him and I didn’t work well together so her doing that was great – him and I didn’t really talk out there, she knew we wouldn’t talk about that.
R: Why were you so certain that you would be safe?
Michael: We just had a good thing. The new Salani tribe was solid. I had a great relationship with Kim, Kat, Chelsea, and Sabrina. I felt really safe with them. I think it was just a last-minute switch with Troy to get me gone. We had a good thing and it just ended too soon.
R: So even Jonas calling you out as a threat last week didn’t worry you?
Michael: I was trying to lay low under the radar because I felt like I had a target on my back. I think it brought to light to everybody, “Mike might be able to beat me in challenges.” I think he threw me under the bus and that was another primary reason why I left.
R: Before this Tribal Council, who did you believe was mostly in control of the game?
Michael: I still feel Kim was so levelheaded. She’s playing a good game. She’s not dramatic like the other women, she’s able to call shots.
R: What was your plan going to be moving forward if things hadn’t gone against you?
Michael: Moving forward, my plan was to vote out the new Manono tribe – flop back and forth between guys and girls to keep it a level playing field. Then maybe at final five, I believed I would win challenges. I didn’t really win immunity challenges on my own but I didn’t really want to because I didn’t want them to realize that (I was a threat).
R: So did you throw any challenges for that reason?
Michael: I would never throw a challenge. There’s parts of me that wished I could have gone not as hard, but if there’s a competition, I’m in.
R: Who was most responsible for convincing you that you were a solid member of the new Salani alliance?
Michael: I wouldn’t give anybody full credit for that. It was Kim, Sabrina, and Chelsea. Jay too. Troy was part of that but he and I didn’t talk much. It made me nervous that he was there and if I could have traded him, I would have. But it was a group effort.
R: You mentioned that you wanted to flip back and forth between voting out girls and guys – did it occur to you that the women might band back together so quickly now that they had a majority?
Michael: No, not at all. I didn’t feel it would happen and I didn’t think it would be my time so quick. I was straightforward to everybody out there. I tried to play a straightforward, honest game and thought they would value that and get rid of somebody more wishy-washy and not able to make a promise.
R: Such as who?
Michael: Jay was kinda hopping back and forth. He’s one of the guys – we were in an alliance the whole time, I didn’t realize he was trying to make an alliance against me. I wish I could’ve traded Jay for Matt – he was solid and we would have been final three. Jay’s just wishy-washy.
R: Even though you stand out physically, we didn’t see a whole lot of your strategic game on TV. What did you do that we weren’t shown?
Michael: That’s all we did all day – we strategized all day. That’s one thing that gets old real quick. They didn’t show me doing that much, but we all did. After Matt got voted out, I realized I’m probably next so I was snuck around and did it and didn’t make it so obvious like everybody else. I had to play a low-key game to keep the target off my back. We were gung ho from the beginning, then I got quiet.
R: At Tribal Council, several people mentioned having multiple alliances. Aside from what you thought was the new Salani alliance, did you have any other allies in the game?
Michael: I was mainly with new Salani. Tarzan mentioned the guy alliance but I wasn’t with it because I couldn’t trust those guys. But I was happy to go along with them and vote out a girl. The new Salani tribe was more diverse and the girls were more trustworthy and more levelheaded than any of the men.
R: Going back to the premiere, were you surprised you got away with re-appropriating the supplies the women tossed off the truck?
Michael: Yeah. My plan was not to steal from the women. When I came off the truck and saw their stack, I thought, “That’s perfect.” I got to take many loads over and nobody saw me do it. Not one woman or guy saw me do it. I told Jonas I stole something but nobody really knew where our stuff came from.
R: You didn’t even confess to the guys?
Michael: No, I admitted to stealing one pan. I actually gave the girls a pan to be nice. I was trying to build a rapport with them. I didn’t want the guys to think I was giving them all our supplies.
R: I would have thought you’d take big credit for that.
Michael: Yeah, but when you’re hauling all that through the jungle, you might be looked down upon. Plus you might not be seen as the most trustworthy. I think it worked out in my favor. It was not planned, it just happened.
R: Who did you think had the immunity idols?
Michael: I knew Colton had one. He talked so much – I can read people well and I knew he did and he wouldn’t use it wisely. Other than that, I didn’t know – the other idols were pretty secret.
R: So even your supposed allies didn’t talk about it?
Michael: They play a good game that way. I had no idea. I spent a lot of time looking for it as well but it didn’t fall into my hands.
R: It looks like we’re about out of time, but before you have to go, is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your time on Survivor?
Michael: I just want to say I had a great time and wouldn’t trade it for the world. I tried bring it back to its roots and played an honest game. I did that and didn’t last as long as I wanted to.
R: Thanks again, Mike!
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