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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Pią 16:44, 20 Sty 2012 Temat postu: Kat Edorsson |
Wiek: 22
Plemię: Salani
Zawód: Reprezentantka handlowa
Powód do dumy: Muszę przyznać, że moje osiągnięcia wyniosłam z pracy i szkoły. Pomimo tego, że nie pracuję na pełny etat, jestem jednym z najbardziej dochodowych reprezentantów mojej firmy. Pracuję także nad swoim wykształceniem na University of Central Florida.
Życiowa inspiracja: Nie jestem typową dziewczyną, która ma jakiegoś normalnego bohatera. Gdybym miała wybrać kogoś normalnego, byłby to Abraham Lincoln albo Donald Trump, jednak mój bohater jest fikcyjny. Na imię ma Xena. To wojownicza księżniczka, która jest jak moje alter ego. W serialu zmienia się ze zwykłej farmerki w amazońską wojowniczkę. Dokonuje rzeczy godnych uznania i robi to dla dobra ludzkości. To moja bohaterka i chciałabym być chociaż w połowie taką kobietą jak ona.
Hobby: jazda konna, łowienie ryb, wszystkie sporty.
Irytuje mnie: długie teksty w DMV, pasy bezpieczeństwa w samolotach, dziewczęce dziewczyny i małe dzieci ze smyczami.
3 słowa, którymi siebie opiszesz: chętna do walki, chciwa i gwałtowna.
Zawodnik Survivora, którego przypominasz: Andrea to moja ulubienica. Jest blondynką, farmerką i uwielbia wyzwania. Potrafiła grać i zajść daleko pomimo wyglądu słodziaka. Jest taka jak ja, na przykład nie bała się odciąć od Matt'a, by ratować siebie.
Powód bycia w Survivorze: Chcę wygrywać konkurencje i udowodnić, że nie tylko umiem pokonywać przeszkody, ale też ze zostanę zwycięzcą tej gry.
Dlaczego przetrwasz Survivora: Moje zdolności socjalne i manipulacyjne pomogą mi przetrwać. W gronie swoich przyjaciół, rodziny i współpracownków zawsze brałam na siebie rolę lidera. Buduję silne więzi. Zawsze udawało mi się wejść na imprezy bez biletu. Nawiążę stosunki towarzyskie, które doprowadzą mnie do finału. Zbiór moich zdolności jest bardzo duży i to dla mnie jest naturalne jak oddychanie. Z pewnością będę ważnym członkiem swojego plemienia.
Dlaczego wygrasz Survivora: Moje życie grało już w tą grę i wtedy wygrałam. W bardzo młodym wieku znalazłam się na pograniczu życia i śmierci. Przeżyłam. Jestem wojowniczką i nigdy się nie poddam. Jestem dobra w zdobywaniu tego, czego chcę. Namawiam innych do tego czego chcę i potrafię sprzedać i wypromować samą siebie. Być może jestem 22-letnią blondynką, jednak jestem silniejsza, niż mogłoby na to wyglądać. Chcę być najmłodszą kobietą, która wygrała tą grę!
Kat mówi: Kocham chłopców i kocham rozmawiać z ludźmi. Gdy byłam mała, przetrwałam dwie tragiczne operacje na otwartym sercu. Musieli mi wstawić zastawkę serca świni. Ładna zrobiłam się dopiero dwa lata temu.
Jeff mówi: Kat również musi siedzieć cicho. Pewnie powie coś niewłaściwego, przez co będzie zagrożona. Jest sympatyczna, wysportowana, urocza i umie czarować chłopaków. Wszystko zależy od tego, jaki będzie jej początek w tej grze.
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez ciriefan dnia Pią 16:48, 20 Sty 2012, w całości zmieniany 2 razy
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runner up
Dołączył: 28 Maj 2010
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Wysłany: Pią 17:43, 20 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
A więc dlatego ma te blizny na klatce piersiowej...
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Wysłany: Pią 20:11, 20 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Lubię ją. Jakoś tak intuicyjnie.
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sole survivor
Dołączył: 25 Mar 2010
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Pomógł: 6 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 20:56, 20 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
pewnie dlatego że sympatycznie wygląda i jakoś widzę w niej odpowiednik Andrei xd
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sole survivor
Dołączył: 12 Mar 2011
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Pomógł: 6 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Stargard/Poznań
Wysłany: Sob 0:26, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Myślę, że to może nie być typowa bezkonfowa blondi, a dość inteligentna postać Kwestia tylko czy faktycznie nie będzie miała jakiejś wtopy na początku.
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Wysłany: Sob 8:51, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Jak dla mnie typowy blond słitasek, który nie będzie miał nic do powiedzenia. Owszem, może jest miła i sympatyczna, no ale nie sądzę, by odegrała jakąś istotną rolę.
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 21:18, 24 Lut 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 2:
That One Was On Me
Kat analyses her performance at the immunity challenge.
"At the challenge, I thought it would be best if...I looked at it, I'm really good with balance, I thought I could nail it. The thing is, I put my foot in my mouth sometimes, because I believe I can always bring it back, bring it home, for my tribe. Sometimes I guess I can't. I did the best I could. I had a really bad communication today. It's only the fifth day. All I could say, I went to my tribe and owned up to my tribe, and said I'm sorry. I told the people I was screaming at that you know what, this is an eye-opener for me, something I can work on, something I will do my best to make sure never happens again. It will only get better with more challenges and more days. Again, it's only the fifth day. We have so many more challenges, so many more things we can do and work on. I think by yesterday we grew as a tribe in general. They understand, they know how genuine I'm being when I say I will learn from mistakes, because I really do."
"I am going to make an epiphany, a paradigm shift, which is when you stop, and rotate that negativity, and go to the next thing. I really want to bring home my tribe, but in a smarter way. Just because I'm more athletic doesn't mean I'll know how to do it. This was more of communications. This wasn't right. This wasn't the fastest running, this wasn't sprinting, this wasn't swimming. The reason honestly I wanted to go first in the beginning, before we strategized, is I thought we were gonna have to swim through the water, jump up, come back, do this, and go up those stairs I saw. After he explained the challenge, I was like, oh, I can definitely do this, I thought it was gonna be hardcore running and swimming. Yeah, I failed. At the end of the day, I did fail. I can only pray that my tribe will still keep me after the things I put them through. That's the third loss. That said, I didn't lose the first one, I didn't lose the second one, but that one was on me. But I'm gonna promise that it's gonna be the last one that's one me."
"On the next one, unless we're having to sprint and they really believe in me and want me to be first, then yeah, I probably am gonna hang up the reigns a little bit and just breathe and listen to somebody else. Even my mom, my sister, everybody, people I've really loved in my life, have told me, I'm a crab, I'm Cancer, we're really stubborn, we don't listen to anybody else's opinion. This is going to be a huge eye-opener for me. I really hope I'm going to grow a lot. I'm hoping I'm gonna grow."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 16:46, 02 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 3:
We Won Won
Kat explains the importance of winning the reward challenge to the Salani tribe.
"We won! I'm so happy that we won today. We really deserved it. After both Tribal Councils I think I really stepped up in listening, not saying a word in the challenge, and letting everybody do their individual parts. As a tribe we came together, and succeeded. It's not like we just won, we WON won."
"Which was perfect. It was exactly what we needed, and I think we made Jeff proud today, so I'm really happy that we did."
"The momentum of just having the fact that we won is probably better than the gift. Don't get me wrong, the boat is awesome, and we're probably gonna have so much fun going out there and fishing, but the fact that we won meant more to our tribe than anything."
"So, yeah, we came back to the tribe and it was still raining. Usually we just lost, and got our ass kicked, and we mope around, and cry about the rain, and probably bicker some more. But we really came together, even if we were freezing. Me and Monica got the fire started, which was really hard to get. The girls were out there in the rain, getting the palm fronds back together. Everybody was soaking wet, we had to make sure the boat was OK, not floating away. We kind of kicked it into fifth gear and kept going."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 20:44, 09 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 4:
I Can't Be Too Angry
Kat discusses Alicia's behavior at the immunity challenge.
"Me and Alicia have our own relationship that is beyond the tribe. During the tribe, how she acts is representative of our tribe. Do I think it's OK? No. Do I think she looks like an idiot? Yes."
"For laughing after we lost. My head was down, my tail was between my legs, I wanted to cry like Chelsea did. But Alicia laughed. Alicia did that, Alicia laughed. Jeff called her out on it, and she should be called out on it, it's embarrassing. It's not just embarrassing to lose, it's embarrassing that you lost, and you're laughing. However, I can't be too angry with what happened because..."
"I do stupid crap like that too sometimes. All the time. If I feel like I really, really messed up, I'll giggle to make me feel better. But that was horrible. She never should have done that. Did I talk to her? I should have talked to her, but I already had an argument with Alicia, and I'm only eating one cup of rice a day, and it takes at least four cups of rice to talk to Alicia about a problem she doesn't want to talk about. Honestly, out of all the people on the tribe, I'm the one who needs to set her in line, because I'm the relationship she has on the tribe that's like a sister-bond. When she does look like an idiot, I should tell her, 'Yo, you're representing our tribe and you're sitting there laughing. I'm crying, Chelsea's crying, Kim's head's down, and you're laughing.' Am I disappointed? Do I feel really messed up? Of course."
"I think another thing - it's only day 11 - I think another important theory or suggestion with this tribe is you have to trust each other. You don't know if Chelsea or Alicia will be good at puzzles, but we gave it a shot, because we trusted our tribe. We're not going to do it again, but we had to do it to find out. We're still strong. Yeah, there's a lot of things we need to learn as a tribe."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Sob 10:10, 17 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 5:
It Worked Out Great
Kat loves being one of the 'goddesses'
"I don't know, I think the heavens on earth were looking down on me today, and they were like, we're gonna help Kat, and she's gonna be OK. We had an individual crack eggs to pick - he said drop our buffs, and we're gonna switch tribes and depending on what egg you choose is the tribe color you're gonna be representing. Everybody's cracking their eggs - mind you I had a hard egg and it didn't want to crack. Everyone's cracking and I see orange and blue. I'm like, what is going on here? I was like, Jesus. I tried to clap it and I hit it on my chest. It blew all in my teeth. All I had was this big smile of blue. I was like, 'Yes!' I was so happy. Don't get me wrong, I love to be on my tribe, I love to be on Salani. However, when I looked around, first thing I saw was Sabrina, blue, Kim, blue, Chelsea, blue. I was happy. I was like, no way, shut the front door. Then I saw Jay, and I was like, my God. Then I saw Michael, and I was like no way, oh my God! Then I saw Troy."
"It's just like Colton said. He said it was like the goddesses over there. Very athletic, great teamwork. If you notice the tribe we had together are people who never had problems with individuals who started fights. We're just individuals who are here to play the game. Fortunately we got stuck together. I couldn't be happier. I think we're doing a great job. We got back from the challenge, we won the challenge, we have great communication, we worked well together. We got back, and we're all helping each other. Kim caught her first grab. Everything is working out great."
"The Manono tribe is full of whackjob kids. I'm so happy I'm not a part of that tribe. Those are huge personalities over there. It's not like if you put Kim and Alicia together, or Colton and Jay. It's Colton and it's Alicia, it's Tarzan, it's Leif with the troublemaker. It's like World War III over there. I'd love a front row seat to see what goes down."
"It's going to be crazy to see what happens with them. I thank God every day I'm not on that tribe. It's going to be so bad. But it's so exciting. I can't wait to see what happens when we all go to the challenges together and see if they do come together or if they don't. Hopefully they will, but if they don't, good for us."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 23:46, 23 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 6 - 2 filmiki:
I Had a Dream
Kat describes her dream of being murdered by Alicia.
"Last night I was sleeping. It's always me, Mike and Sabrina that sleep in the little hut. I get so cold, so I walk away from Mike and sleep on the ground. I wake up with all these ashes on me. Troy always, always wakes me up with a big log, like BOOM. I'm looking up like, oh my God, what just happened to me. I had a dream that I was in the mall shopping for clothes, and Alicia killed me in my dream. I don't know if that's saying, make sure you don't forget about her, that she's doing work on the other side, she's probably got the Manono tribe in her fingers. But we can't tell until we see who goes home, tomorrow or the next immunity challenge. Maybe it's a sign, maybe it's not. Maybe I have a guilty conscience, maybe it's not. I don't know. I really hope she doesn't kill me. That was very scary for me."
I'm a Good Competitor
Kat is proud of her performance in all the challenges so far in the game.
"For the challenge, it was do something from your backyard, and you'll receive something sweet. What we did, our groups were jumping up these big boxes and slamming down on these trampoline things and hitting targets, which were made out of paper. Thank God I got one. I'm really happy with myself, because every challenge we've ever done, I got across the balance beam, I hit a slingshot, I did a puzzle. I've completed one thing of each individual challenge, which means at the end of the day I'm a good competitor. Everyone at least gets one. If you don't, that kind of means you kind of suck. The challenge was easy. It was really cool. I love stuff like that. I love competition. Then we won ice cream, and that was the best. It was good."
"The Manono tribe at the challenge - I wouldn't say it was embarrassing, they kept up a good run with us, it was 2-1. At the end of the challenge, we had 1, they had 2 more to get. It was funny, because, I love Alicia, but she didn't get any. We could see how down they were. They were defeated, they didn't really care, it was like they were waiting for the merge, knocking one by one off. It's not the tribe I wish I would have."
"You could smell defeat on them. Watching them step on those boards...the smallest person on their tribe had more oomph getting on those boxes than every single person on that tribe. Lief was jumping on those boxes like a fly on a wall. Tarzan was barely getting over. Jonas was barely getting over. Christina was barely moving it. I think it was great that they did a good job and they kept up with us, so it wasn't a total disaster, but you could see defeat on their faces. I'm just so happy that that day, my paint went blue, and went all in my mouth. I've been rocking my colors ever since I've been here. I'm really blessed right now. I have a great tribe."
"At the end, when we won, Troyzan was like, 'YES!' and he was screaming like a monkey. We all jumped up on him and were screaming together. Every single time ever since we've won our first challenge, we got together and screamed whatever reward we were getting, like peanut butter and jelly. We screamed 'ice cream.' It's a tribe which is building with glory and we're so happy and excited. Of course, I'm not surprised we didn't tackle each other off that box. That would have really hurt. It's an amazing feeling to keep winning. I think our tribe is solid and we're going to keep winning. Our excitement is going to go through the roof next time. I'm surprised I didn't fall."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Wysłany: Pią 22:14, 30 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 7 - 2 filmiki:
I'm Doing It For Myself
Kat admits it is important for her to do well at challenges.
"The challenge today was immunity, and I went in there thinking I was definitely gonna win, because I thought if there's any I'm gonna win, it's definitely gonna be this one. I'm gettin' in there, I'm focused, I'm focused, all I see is everyone dropping like flies, I'm still there, I'm concentrating, and then for a split second, I think about Troy, just for a second, and I'm out. I'm really depressed about it, because I wanted to show everybody that I'm really good at challenges, because every challenge I've done so far has been good. I've done something to win the challenge. Today, I kind of failed, so I'm a little sad about that."
"I guess it's not that good to look the strongest in challenges, but I'm kind of here on a whole different whim. I kind of want to prove myself, as opposed to looking dangerous, because at the end of the day, I'm the youngest one here, and no one's gonna vote me off because I'm winning the challenges. That doesn't mean I'm a very strong competitor to them, especially with this crowd, with this tribe. I just prefer to do my best every time."
"Yes, you're not supposed to stick out, because you never want people to have something against you, but then, you don't want to be the weakest player. I'm doing it for myself, honestly."
Tarzan Is Out Of Control
Kat talks about Tarzan's behavior at camp.
"Tarzan is out of control. He's his own species, definitely. He's crazy, he's making everyone lose their mind. However, I thought it was the most funniest thing today that Chelsea worked really hard on doing her laundry, and Tarzan just threw his underpants right in the laundry. Chelsea threw her spoon and was like, 'I'm gonna throw up now.' I was laughing so hard. Chelsea's really cranky when it comes to her laundry and stuff. She doesn't like anyone touching her stuff. He just threw his underpants in her laundry when it was clean. She lost it. It was so funny. Everyone says when that stuff happens, you've just got Tarzan. When that happens, when Tarzan downtalks you, it's OK, you've just got Tarzan, it's no big deal. Yeah, it's very interesting. It's kind of like the Philip situation. You kind of want to keep those people around to drive other people crazy because it keeps attention off you. I'm just sitting back and watching it, because that thing with Chelsea this morning was hilarious."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 20:51, 06 Kwi 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 8:
Nobody Will Understand
Kat reveals things that only Survivors can relate to.
"Before the challenge, when Jeff said about 7Up, and I saw that cooler...since day 1, I have been wanting that hot dog, hamburger, poolside, key lime pie, 7UP, all you can eat, since I've been here."
"When I saw that, and Jeff said that reward, nobody in this world except for 23 seasons ago, will ever understand what we go through, except these 11 people, know how important it is for that food to be in our stomach right now."
"Nobody will ever understand. I think I've lost 15 pounds and it's horrible out here. It's something nobody will ever understand, except for the past 23 seasons and the 19 people that were here. The look on me and Jay's face when we didn't win that challenge was probably borderline, we want to go jump off a bridge. I probably would've jumped off a bridge more than not ate that food."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 22:04, 13 Kwi 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 9:
Glad They Didn't Win
Kat is relieved that Chelsea won the immunity challenge instead of Jay or Troyzan.
"Today, we had the immunity challenge. Woke up, had breakfast - I was really cold, it was soaking wet today. Went to the immunity challenge, and I kind of goofed out and I decided to drop my hand so I could have some cupcakes. Unfortunately, I think that was the worst decision ever, because I'm definitely paying for it right now. My stomach is horrible."
"It was delicious. I shared it with Kim. We had two glasses of milk."
"Chelsea really wanted to win that one, because she feels she did so bad with the puzzle."
"We really needed a girl to win that one, actually, so Jay and Troy wouldn't win. She held it out, and she finally won, and everybody shared at the end. We had burgers, and chips, and cupcakes, and cookies and milk, and wings, and beer. Yeah. It was awesome."
"It could have been anyone who won today and we would be just as proud. It was important to have Jay and Troy not win."
"They are our biggest threats, and they are the first to go in the pecking order of Survivor things. Someone has to go home tonight, and we really need to win these immunity challenges, and we can't with Jay and Troy. We're probably going to vote one of them out tonight. It really didn't matter who won today, as long as somebody won who wasn't them."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 22:26, 20 Kwi 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 10:
She Could Have Made A Big Move
Kat is upset with Christina's actions at the auction.
"During the challenge today - which was absolutely amazing, the reward challenge..."
"Christina could have made a big move. Do I think she's an idiot? I've thought she was an idiot since day 1. What a jerk. She could have pulled something out for the tribe right there. Unfortunately, I didn't have the money, as they were going up. I couldn't go past $300, as they were going to 4. I figured she'd take the whole win. Troyzan and her were going back to back, $400 to $420. The challenge, or reward, was a clue for the next immunity idol, or the next immunity, the challenge. We'd been talking about whatever you have to do, do it, no matter what the case is. (sighs) She doesn't listen to anybody."
"She didn't even care. All she had to do was go up 16 more dollars, and no. No! Instead of $480, she stopped at $460. Now Troy has a clue for the next challenge that is gonna be for immunity. Congratulations to Christina, because now, if he wins, you're going home. That's what happened. He won a clue. More power to you. Mind you, I really do believe we can do the best we can to try to beat Troy, because he's a huge competitor, he doesn't want to go home. Thank you very much, Christina, I tip my hat off to you for ruining our immunity challenge for next week. Thank you. Have a nice day."
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