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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Pią 22:21, 20 Sty 2012 Temat postu: Greg Smith |
Wiek: 64
Plemię: Manono
Zawód: Chirurg plastyczny
Powód do dumy: Zdobycie certyfikatu z chirurgii plastycznej, zdobycie 1 nagrody za badania nad chirurgią rekonstrukcyjną, granie dla “Doug Silvers & the Starliters” jako organista i pianista, 4 miejsce w Campion Missouri State Wrestler Light i małżeństwo z 30-letnim stażem z prawdziwą bratnią duszą.
Życiowa inspiracja: Tarzan, który był empatyczny wobec natury, uprzejmy, odważny, szlachetny. To mąż stanu, romantyk, poszukiwacz przygód, szermierz. Był empatyczny wobec potrzeb kobiet.
Hobby: sztuka, muzyka, przygody, owadoznastwo
Irytuje go: niesprawiedliwość i kłamsta
3 słowa, którymi się opisze: kreatywny, dziecinny i honorowy
Zawodnik, do którgo się porównuje: Coach Ben Wade - bo był romantykiem, przeżył wiele przygód, to poeta i ktoś kreatywny.
Powód bycia w grze: przygoda, wyzwanie, utrata wagi
Dlaczego przetrwa: Jestem człowiekiem z dżungli i częścią przyrody.
Dlaczego wygra: Mam nadzieję, że nie będzie to wynik przypadków. Chcę przechytrzyć, ograć i zostać dłużej niż pozostali.
Greg mówi: Na sali operacyjnej jestem królem. Gdy jestem z kimś sam na sam, śmiertelnie się boję. Robię to tylko dla przygody i romansu. Uważajcie, bo mogę was zagadać na śmierć. Mam nadzieję, że stanę się pseudo ojcem i moja ojcowska rola pomoże plemieniu.
Jeff mówi: Doktor Greg Smith, znany również jako Tarzan, jest jednym z najmądrzejszych ludzi, jakich mieliśmy w programie. Tuż przed rozpoczęciem programu powiedziałem mu: "Twoją największą przeszkodą jest twoje ego i twoja potrzeba udowodnienia wszystkim, jak bardzo jesteś mądry i jak dobry jesteś w tym, co robisz". Jeśli będzie to robił, pozbędą się go. Podejrzewam, że szybko odpadnie.
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sole survivor
Dołączył: 12 Mar 2011
Posty: 2029
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Pomógł: 6 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Stargard/Poznań
Wysłany: Sob 0:05, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Ja też podejrzewam, że może szybko odpaść. Chyba nie muszę mówić, którego uczestnika Nicaragui przypomina mi najbardziej. No i uczestnik Survivora, który na wstępie wymienia kłamstwa jako najbardziej irytującą rzecz nie zapowiada się na dobrego stratega.
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Sob 8:58, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Yyyyy temu panu mówię nie A jeśli jakimś cudem zajdzie daleko, to będzie Rick'iem tego sezonu.
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6 jury member
Dołączył: 27 Gru 2010
Posty: 626
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Wysłany: Sob 12:08, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Może jakaś kobieta, która będzie chciała osłabić przeciwne plemię, znajdzie HII zanim mężczyźni przegrają pierwszą konkurencję o immunitet...
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Wysłany: Sob 15:32, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: Re: Greg Smith |
ciriefan napisał: |
Irytuje go: niesprawiedliwość i kłamsta
W takim razie jak on chce niby wygrać ten program ? Gdy to będzie na początku dziennym :p , na swoim filmie opowiada że jest chirurgiem plastycznym i że raz leciał samolotem nad nicaraguą i jego samolot się rozbił (Jack z LOST ? ) Jak narazie dziadzio jest trochę śmieszny a takich ludzi w tym programie właśnie lubię śmiechowych takich postaci jak Matty z Gabon czy Fabio z Nicaragua nie zapomnę
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Sob 10:19, 18 Lut 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 1:
Adventurer & Romantic
Tarzan reveals his background and how it will help him in the game.
"My real name is Gregory Lantz - LAN TZ - Smith."
"I'm a plastic surgeon in Texas. The reality is I fancy myself an adventurer and romantic, and in my youth I tried to inspire concupiscence in the cognition of every female I've met until I met my wife, who then enured me in an ether of matrimonial beatitude, in which I've been encased for 30 years."
"She was it. She does everything with me. She goes to the jungle, she scuba dives, we've abseiled into the Waitomo Caves. Many, many adventures. We've been with the gorillas off the slopes of Mount Visoki, near Diane Fossey's encampment. She's even wrestled, actually, with a juvenile orangutans of Sepalot, Borneo. She's done everything with me. For the last 30 years, truly, I've been truly enamored and happy with her, not attracted in the least to any other female than her, since I've met her."
"I've watched Survivor for 11 years, and I've always been fascinated by it, and also the psycho-social aspects of it, because I'm interested in anthropology and climatology."
"Then, a couple of years ago, I had the urge to sign up. Someone said, 'Smith, you can sign up for this.' I didn't believe it - by the way, I was working 90 hours a week, that's why it was impossible. I've slowed up. I wanted so much to be a part of it. That's the thing that made me - I view this as a very adventuresome, romantic aspect of a person's life."
"I developed cancer. I had cutaneous lymphomatosis. I'm in Houston, the biggest medical center in the world."
"Lo and behold, the docs I met weren't so nice as me. I'm a fellow doctor, and they told me I was gonna die in 6 months. That was 8 years ago. (laughs) At first, I spent a couple hundred thousand bucks trying to figure out what to do about this disease, this illness, and meanwhile, I'm gonna die in 6 months. I love my wife, and I had a hell of a practice, a prolific practice, in Houston, one of the hardest places on Earth to be a doctor and compete, especially in plastic surgery. I thought, if I die, I don't want to leave her strapped like the other women who have been married to doctors. When your business is that prolific, you don't know who's screwin' ya. I trusted people, but not enough to let her be screwed. I thought if I quit, all the bad stuff would be revealed, and I could help her through it before I died. So I quit."
"And lo and behold, after some radiation and stuff, I'm cancer free."
"The way I plan to stay in this game is to let people know I care about them and I respect them, and seek knowledge from them. People love nothing more than to tell about themselves, if allowed, and remember what they say. If I don't, people will think I don't care. That will be my initial approach, which I believe will reveal the most about them, and which I will incorporate into my memory, and hopefully help me in a sense not only help myself, but in so knowing them, help them. I believe in the human heart if you help somebody, they can't help but want you to stay with them. I believe that that's true, I believe that's evolutionary. Psychologic evolution. If I convey that sense I believe I'll stay here longer, although I may just be voted out right off the bat, for all I know, although I hope not. I'd like to last as long as I can, go to the end."
"My Achilles' Heel is, to the depth of my soul, I'm a leader, I'm a captain, I want to help people. It's real hart not to interject when I believe they're being hurt, or led astray. Unfortunately, if you do that, you're sort of being the boss. The amazing thing is even when you try to protect people, they resent it."
"I'm very excited. I'm very hopeful. I'm very dreamy about what may happen. All the potential creativity involved. All the excitement of learning about the personalities. Hopefully I won't be an idiot at the challenges. It's an adventure, romantic, chimerical. I can't wait to do it, actually."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 20:23, 24 Lut 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 2:
Love Island Dance
Tarzan explains the origin of the dance he performed at camp.
"I had seen a relatively sensual dance in the Trobiand Islands, which was referred to by the pirates as the love islands. It's basically a dance that all the people, all the men, perform, associated with a number of well-illustrated pelvis thrusts while they had their spears, while the females sit in a circle and the men dance around them, while they're acting demure and shy, as the men are doing this very sensual dance. I wasn't gonna demonstrate it tonight, but after being egged on, I showed what I believe is a rendition of the Trobiand Island males."
"For some reason, they really enjoyed it. I probably made a fool of myself, but it felt good to do the dance. We jimmied up a pretty good drumbeat and the guys started whooping it up like they were wild men. We just did it a few minutes."
"Admittedly, the Trobiand Islanders do way better than I, but I think I came pretty close to it. I came pretty close."
"It feels great. I'm having a great time."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 17:07, 02 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 3:
Survivor Is Like Chess
Tarzan compares SURVIVOR to the game of chess.
"It's just like a chess game, exactly like one. You make a move, and you see where the other guy moves, and even though you planned a couple of moves ahead, when you see the other man's move, you have to readjust your thought to get the advantage. It does have to be taken step by step by step. It's amazing how similar this is to a chess game. I have to say..."
"For the most part, if this were not a game, most of these guys would be noble guys. We all know this is Survivor, and the game is to survive. There's a lot of deception going on, and it's part of the game. We're hoping in the beginning to coalesce our consciences so we won't have to betray one another. At least the 5 that have the pact."
"Colton, amazingly, in the last few days, completely misjudged character by me. He's much more of a decent, trustworthy guy as far as I can tell than I thought in the beginning. He's settled down quite a bit, and I may be wrong about that, but we're all liking him better and better - or at least I am - each day that I talk to him. He's real smart, he's got his head on his shoulders. I think he made a 4.0 in college. He's going to vet school. Guys got a head on his shoulders. Even though in the beginning we thought he was a little - he's still immature, but he's much brighter and wiser than I originally thought."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 20:27, 09 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 4:
Donut Cravings
Tarzan is upset at losing the challenge with the donut reward.
"We lost."
"The challenge."
"That pretty much summarizes it. I didn't get a donut!"
"The game didn't last long enough for us to perfect our technique. The girls beat us."
"It was depressing to walk behind the big plate of donuts."
"The donuts on that plate, I don't think, seems like they numbered enough that each one of us would get one of them. It would have been a delight to mollify my craving that's been getting worse and worse each day I've been here."
"I had the urge to tackle Jeff, get him away from the plate, and run off. But I didn't do it. I controlled myself."
"We're at ease with the fact that our luck hasn't been great over the last few passages of gameplay. I don't think any of us are affected. In our hearts, we want to win simply to advance towards the goal. Each time we lose, it's a step back from a higher position in the game."
"The reality is, to be fair, we should've won that one. It was a little more masculine than feminine. We should've won it. But we didn't, and that's that."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Sob 10:36, 17 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 5:
There Is Still Hope
Tarzan is happy to have members of his original alliance on his new Manono tribe.
"The serendipity of our chance new tribe is that unbeknownst to me, while I was standing there in shock, trying to think, what now, because we had it so well planned - it turns out I look over my shoulder and my God, it looks like most of our pact are still there. That gives us an upper hand I didn't think we were going to get. I saw the big guys, the strong guys, the big girls, the strong girls, go over to the other tribe and I thought, 'We're dead.' Then I looked over and I saw that some of the guys we'd made a pact with originally were still with our tribe. So there's hope. There's still hope."
"Us 4 will probably - the worst thing they can do mathematically, in the sense of a chess game, is to get torn from our pact, get charmed by one of the girls. I don't think that's gonna happen, I think we're gonna stay solid all the way to the merge. Then, when the merge occurs, guess what? We pick up the other guys who were in our pact."
"The smartest thing we can do, the most pragmatic thing we can do, is what we've done up to this point. Hold on, stick together, be Braveheart."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 23:33, 23 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 6:
Unexpected Tragedy
Tarzan equates Colton's departure to a funeral.
"We had an unexpected tragedy. Colton is exhibiting symptoms of appendicitis, and had to be lifted out. There is no possibility he will return, regardless of what the diagnosis actually finally becomes. Having carried him with us as an integral part of our unity, it's a sad thing that he had to leave."
"I think when something that terrible happens - especially for him, as he was totally dedicated to this game - the way we had grouped ourselves together, he had a very good chance of making it towards the end. We all knew he had the idol, that was no secret. The way we had configured our group, we all knew he would at least make top 5, and maybe go all the way. That's what it was looking like, unless there was some disruption of our unity by splitting us apart or bringing us together, some thing that can happen in the game. So his future was very bright with regard to how far he would go in the game. So it's sad to see in a situation like this - first time ever that I know - that the guys hung together, that he had to leave because of a medical condition."
"How do I feel other than that? I feel that it's sort of like a funeral, and at least this night, it ought to be kept to myself."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 21:43, 30 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 7:
Lost My Periscope
Tarzan reveals why the game has become more challenging for him.
"I've been captain of the ship in the operating room for 30 years, and generally it's a pretty intense thing. You do the wrong thing, and somebody dies. You do the wrong thing, you scar 'em for life. Generally, most good surgeons - which I believe I am one - don't tolerate imperfection very well. After a few years, I had my crew that I trusted. I would eliminate people if they weren't good enough, not for any reason other than if they weren't good enough, they'd hurt my patient. You get into that mode. I'm around a number of guys who feel that way, and that's who I run with, so we all behave that way. When you're out of that compulsive, perfectionistic arena, people resent that behavior, and I know that. It's abrasive to them. They don't like to be corrected, or refined, or improved, by anybody but themselves, on average. There are people who respect that though, but not many."
"It is true, gradually, some of the behavior, some of my behavior, has broken down. I've been a bit abrasive, I've got angry at some. I wanted the guys to have integrity. I wanted that integrity to last to the end of the game. The truth is, Colton was..."
"Colton was kind of the periscope, and I considered myself the submarine, with the torpedoes. My periscope got knocked off, and at the moment, everybody's got their own opinion again. They're not playing the game in a way that would make it easier to make it to the end. At the very first of this game, we stuck together well. We had form, meritocracy, all equal, all came together and agreed to what we would do next, to the point that we gave up an idol. When we were split apart, it began to break apart, and when we came back together, I just couldn't hold it together anymore. I said, you know what? I give up. I'm gonna let them come to their own conclusions, and go ahead and follow whatever path fate direct with regard to the gameplan."
"Colton was such a big, loud, open, gregarious guy, that he could do that without offense to anyone. I'm not that kind of guy. Colton was sort of a perfect shield. With the shield gone, I notice I couldn't get enough...I wanted it to be 7.5. It could have been 7-5 for sure, which would have allowed most of the guys to make it down to 5, actually. At this point, there's so many plots and subplots, and no one is adhesing, that I can tell. Maybe they're adhesing and I just can't sense it. So the ship's sinking, the submarine's got a torpedo in it, and we're going down, I think. I'm not certain. We'll see what happens at the next vote."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 20:35, 06 Kwi 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 8 - 2 filmiki:
I'm Suffering
Tarzan explains why the game has been tough for him.
"I've lost everything, so I've not won any of these, so I've not had extra food. I'm literally losing the weight I wanted to lose, and not getting any breaks on it either. And no protein, either. Mostly just carbohydrates and a little fat is all I've been having for the last 21 days. And that, for a 64 year old who was fat - who is still fat - it's really hard on a fat guy, from a metabolic standpoint. I'm suffering more than anybody, because I was fat, and I'm old. Not getting to eat anything, no ice cream, no peanut butter, no jelly, no pizza, nothing. Just rice. Now I'm sick of coconut, so I can hardly eat the coconut anymore. Just imagine if I last a lot longer, I might even exceed what I wanted to lose as far as weight goes."
I Do Care About My Tribe Mates
Tarzan reveals how he feels about his tribe.
"I do care about these people."
"Contrary to some of my encounters with people I don't know. As a surgeon, I encounter all levels of people, but that doesn't necessarily mean I like them, but I help them anyway. These people, gosh, they're some of the most decent people I've run into, to the best of my ability to decipher their personalities. The reality is, I like 'em all and I wish them well. There's only one person for some strange reason, I can only characterize it as he just didn't like me, and he rode my back. But he's gone now, so that leaves the rest of 'em. By the way, the very person that rode my back and maligned me, I don't disrespect him, I think he's a brilliant guy and someday he may achieve his dreams. But you don't wanna play with somebody who's hateful to you all the time. So I'm glad he's gone."
"The reality to who I hang out with, the reality is, until recently, when I - you know, i'm not sure I'm really retired. I get people telling me to go back all the time. I think I'm retired - until I retired, I was working 90 hours a week. The only people you meet are the surgeons, and the nurses, and the parapeople who help with medicine. You don't have time to meet anybody else. In fact, I didn't have time to have any so-called friends, because I'd wake up at 5 in the morning and not get home until 9 or 10. I might get called at night for some emergency at 3 o'clock in the morning. I did that for 30 years. I never had the choice to be with these people. That doesn't mean I'm not social. Doctors have social settings where you have to mix. I've been saying I have always been awkward when I'm outside the medical setting, but I've been in those settings, and I can say some of these party (?) things where rich people get together - I don't even usually like these rich people that I'm around. I like the man that worked his way up, and isn't all that impressed with their money, and that stuff. Maybe if I stay retired, I'll get to meet people like this more often. However, these are a stellar group of people, who have been picked for, I hope, their qualities, and by God, they do have qualities. I'm impressed with this group of people."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 21:41, 13 Kwi 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 9 - 3 filmiki:
My First Reward
Tarzan is excited to finally be on a reward.
"The first time I've been able to have a reward."
"I'm very glad. Very happy. Very lucky - thank God (points at sky) - to be here."
"I'm gonna remember the beauty of this island. The clear azure waters. The feast we're about to have. That's what I'll remember. And the journey. Coming to this isolated island in the middle of the Samoan..."
"Volcanic island."
"I'm gonna watch that Samoan, learn some stuff - already learned how to gut a fish - see how he does this."
"I watched that professional Samoan open the coconut,and what he does is he has a sharp knife, takes off the head, sees the eye, drills a hole in the eye, drinks some of the coconut juice, and fills it with some Samoan rum. It tastes like a pina colada. Amazing."
"I'm salivating as I'm standing here, because I haven't seen food like that in 23 days. I can't wait."
"I'll probably eat mostly fruit though, but I'm gonna try everything, just for the heck of it."
I'm So Abrasive
Tarzan explains why he might be seen as abrasive, but should not go next.
"I'm so abrasive, I admit. I suspect there are two girls who hate my guts at this point. I'm kind of rude. I guess they perceive it as rude - I don't, but in this environment, one can call it rude. I'm just abrasive. I know that. I'm sorry. I like to be frank, and say what I mean to say, when I think I oughta say it, if I think it's the right thing to say, regardless of how it might be perceived by society. That's how I've always been, but I've always been protected, because I've been in an operating room. But not out here. The girls are probably gonna try to take out Troyzan or Jay-Bird because they're so tough. Or they might throw me out because they hate me, or they dislike me, or they don't like my presence. I might go just because of that. If they were smart, before they knock me out, they oughta take out Troyzan or Jay-Bird, before it's too late. As the numbers come down, the truth is those guys physically and mentally, on most paths, can beat the girls, probably. That's where's it's at, I think, with regards to where the plots are."
My Savage Color
Tarzan discusses his new attire.
"The outfit I have on this morning, I've been carrying with me for days, since Monica, one of our tribe, one of the savages of our tribe, was dispersed. She left all of her garments. I thought it might be useful at some point. It's a stretch shirt, I might be able to get into it. Amazingly, it's some type of Chinese trap thing, because it looks so easy to get on. The first time I put it on, I couldn't get into it. I couldn't figure it out. Finally, I decided, I'm going to put this shirt on today, hell or high water, and I finally figured out how that girl got into this shirt. It provides me some warmth, so I'm gonna keep it on for a while. I'm so masculine that in spite of this being a feminine shirt, I still feel masculine in it. In fact, it even makes some of my loose skin tighter."
"It's my best color. My fire color. My warrior color. My savage color."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 21:53, 20 Kwi 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 10 - 2 filmiki:
Letter From My Soul Mate
Tarzan talks about his wife Terri and her letter that he bought at the auction.
"Well, we had an auction today for food and other items. My intent was not to spend any of the money. It was $500 that was given as a gift to participate in an auction for food and other niceties. I had realized that for the last 3 months I've been trying to be frugal and not buy new shocks for my jeep. I think the socks might be around $800. I thought it would be really wonderful if I could come home with $500, which would allay some of the expense for buying new shocks for my jeep. My total intent was to go ahead and starve and just save the money, and when I got home, take the jeep over and have the shocks put in."
"I was watching the bidding, and thinking, how ridiculous to pay $400 for peanut butter."
"And some of the other items, and I was thinking, boy that's really foolish, these people are spending all this money for hardly anything. And then, towards the end, I thought I'd made it, and somehow survived, and I'll just go ahead and starve. Then Jeff came up with a packet of letters you could bid on, and Alicia, one of the girls in the tribe, immediately bid $500 for a letter from a loved one. Jeff had letters from loved ones that he had acquired. There they were, in front of me, all sealed up. Alicia bid $500 for hers."
"I realized that I lost my opportunity. It didn't occur to me that when she bid $500, that she would get the love letter, and then the bid was over. As I got to thinking about it - I have a situational depression about a couple of things in my life, and when I get to talking about it, it's depressing - anyway, I got to thinking about how I missed her, and I broke down. I don't know if he meant to or not, or if it wasn't planned, but after a few minutes, after Alicia began reading her letter, I don't know if Jeff felt sorry for the rest of us or not, but Jeff said another person could bid $500 if he wanted to. At that point, the shocks meant nothing to me, and I walked over and gave him the $500 and he gave me the letter from my wife. Which is the only person on earth I share my life with. That was a precious moment for me, and the $500 meant nothing for me, nothing at all. I'll just drive my jeep and bump along. (laughs)"
"We've been married for 30 years, and I fondly say we shacked up for 3. We've known each other for 33 years. This December will be the 34th year."
"We're madly still in love, we really are the definition of soulmate. We are the definition of soulmate. We're the apotheosis of that definition."
"It is the longest period of time I've ever been away from my wife. Even when we were working 90 hours a week, she actually worked with me, went into the emergency rooms as my chief surgical assistant, ran my office. We were together day and night, and just enjoy - it's amazing how much we still enjoy our company. We hold hands watching TV, when we walk, we're always together. I never go out with the boys. She never goes out with the girls. When we go out, we go out together - that's one of the rules. We've had people say, would you like to go on this little camping blah blah? I say yeah, if my wife can come. Her, similarly. This is the first time. There's something about Survivor I wanted to do. She graciously and happily saw the excitement in my attitude, when it was possible for me to actually do this thing. It was an adventure, as far as I'm concerned. Maybe one of my last adventures, since I'm 64 years old. She really wanted it for me. She was happy to see me go, very, very happy. But as the days go by, I begin to realize how much I miss her. When I got back from the auction, I didn't read the letter until I got back. I wanted to read it in private, to the best of my ability. I didn't know what she'd said. I didn't want to reveal something she didn't want to be revealed. I didn't know how private the letter was. Out of respect for her - which is tantamount, anything that I think will disrespect her, I will not do - just to protect her, I read the letter in private. Basically, it said, it started out, 'Hi, Tweety,' and it said, 'Sweetie, I love you."
"The rest of it basically, that she's happy I'm here, she's glad I got to do it, she loves me, and totally brightened my day. I'll probably read it 3 or 4 times today, on and off, just to rejuvenate my...I did have some fear. I didn't know how she'd be handling us apart, and I worried about it."
"Lucky you didn't give me a thousand, I probably would have spent it. (laughs) I'm glad you only gave $500. I hope it wasn't a million, because I may have spent that, too."
Proud Of Myself
Tarzan is proud of his performance in the immunity challenge.
"You know, as a surgeon, I should have been able to do the rope untie pretty good. In fact, when we had the earlier rope untie, to get the tarp, I'm pretty sure I was an asset to the boys when we won that one. I would have been shocked if I hadn't won the rope untie, because I always have to tie and untie knots in surgery, and I mean little, itty-bitty knots. I should have won that, I thought. I've had plenty of practice. Still, I'm proud of myself. I am 64 years old, and I'm up against people who are half my age, except for Troy, who has been practicing this stuff for the last 11 years. You can tell I was proud of myself."
"I never mastered how to aim it well, you can tell. I think I only hit 4, and he hit 9. Troyzan hit 9. I didn't master the slingshot very well. Had we won that - I say we, there's a coalition - had we won that game today, Troyzan was absolutely right, there was 100% chance he was going home. This saved him. Now people have to decide who's going home next. The reality is of the 8, minus Troyzan, 4 are not the nucleus, and I'm not one of the ones that is in the nucleus. Me, Leif, Alicia, unbeknownst to herself, probably, and Christina, are on the outside of the 4. Tonight, basically, I'm at the mercy of how they see me and if they want to keep me a bit longer."
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez ciriefan dnia Pią 21:54, 20 Kwi 2012, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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