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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Pią 19:02, 20 Sty 2012 Temat postu: Jonas Otsuji |
Wiek: 37
Plemię: Manono
Zawód: kucharz sushi
Powód do dumy: Otworzyłem knajpę sushi nazwaną moim imieniem dwa lata po tym, jak zbankrutowałem i wszystko straciłem.
Życiowa inspiracja: Moja żona i dzieci dają mi mnóstwo inspiracji!
Hobby: gotowanie, jedzenie, wakacje z rodziną i surfowanie
Irytuje mnie: Ludzie, którzy ciągle narzekają.
3 słowa, którymi siebie opiszesz: gwałtowny, zdeterminowany i zmotywowany
Gracz, którego przypominasz: Fabio. Jestem postrzegany jako lekkoduch, jednak w środku jestem silnym wojownikiem.
Powód bycia w grze: Chcę udowodnić sobie i najbliższym, że dam radę. I oczywiście chcę wygrać.
Dlaczego przetrwa: Wiem, jak łowić ryby, rozpalić ogień, zbudować szałas i jestem świetnym kucharzem.
Dlaczego wygra: Wierzę w to, że mogę wygrać, bo niejednokrotnie udowodniłem, że potrafię osiągnąć to, co sobie postanowię. Umiem rozpalić ogień, zbudować szałas, gotować i dogadywać się z innymi tak, by zdobyć ich głosy.
Jonas mówi: Moją strategią jest brak strategii. Trzeba myśleć, gdy już się jest na miejscu i płynąć z nurtem. Chcę zdobyć zaufanie. Jeśli jednak będę musiał je stracić i skłamać, by samemu zajść dalej, zrobię to.
Jeff mówi: Jonas jest bardzo podatny na wpływy innych. W pewnym momencie będzie musiał powiedzieć: "to jest mój sojusz, muszę się go trzymać i mieć nadzieję, że mi się uda". W przeciwnym razie pozostali uznają go za kogoś zbyt miłego i się go pozbędą.
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4 jury member
Dołączył: 03 Sie 2010
Posty: 404
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Wysłany: Pią 19:13, 20 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Zawodnik "głos" i tyle.
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sole survivor
Dołączył: 12 Mar 2011
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Pomógł: 6 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Stargard/Poznań
Wysłany: Sob 0:51, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Chyba się zgodzę. Wydaje się ok z charakteru i wystarczająco silny żeby przetrwać pierwsze odcinki, ale potem się raczej dostosuje i dojdzie daleko jako czyjś number. Może Troyzana. To tylko ocenianie po kawałku wypowiedzi i wyglądzie i może mieć mało wspólnego z prawdą, ale słowa "moją strategią jest brak strategii" oraz porównanie do Fabia są nieco sugestywne.
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez tombak90 dnia Sob 0:53, 21 Sty 2012, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Sob 8:46, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Też sądzę, że to będzie gracz "widmo".
"Moją strategią jest brak strategii" - to są bardzo dobre słowa, zawsze tak mówiła Cirie, oczywiście przed grą nie w trakcie No bo jeśli np. zaplanuje sobie flirtowanie z kobietami, a tu męskie plemię, to zonk. Takie wchodzenie w grę z konkretnym planem może być zgubne. Jak się już będzie na plaży, zobaczy z kim ma się do czynienia i zrobi się dobre obserwacje, wtedy można snuć plany
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Wysłany: Sob 9:47, 18 Lut 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 1:
I've Done My Homework
Jonas has studied past seasons of Survivor to avoid the mistakes that others have made.
"My name is Jonas Otsuji, I am 37, and I'm born and raised in Hawaii."
"I am a sushi chef."
"So I've got a wife and three kids, and yeah, their ages are 8, 5, and 4. Two girls, one boy."
"I think I'm going to be good at this game because I'm calmly aggressive, and that's the type of people that win this game. I think the overly aggressive people, they come out looking like they wanna kick ass. Those guys - and they're super-buff - they always get voted out because they're threatening. I on the other hand am just a sushi chef. How bad-ass can a sushi chef be?"
"I think that sort of calm, laid-back, but inside I am intense, and I'll do whatever it takes to win. Whatever I need to do to get business done. That's why I'll win."
"People are always surprised by me. I think it's because, I guess it's the way I talk. That's the one thing I get all the time. 'Oh, you talk like you don't worry about anything, like you don't care about anything.' I'm glad people perceive me that way, especially in this game, but if they could get inside my head they'd know I was scheming and thinking about all kinds of tactics to take them down. (laughs)."
"Taking chances for me, I don't know another way. My wife calls me a wild man. She calls my ideas cockamamie. She's like, what are you doing? My uncle said it best - I'm the gas and she's the brakes. I've always been that way. That's just how I am. I gotta go big or it kills me inside. If I don't take chances it eats me alive."
"I have done my homework on this game. I've watched every single episode, like most people, some of 'em twice. I've watched all the jury speeches. I know the game inside and out."
"I have sort of a general idea of what I'm going to do, but I understand at the same time that the people who usually do the best don't have any strategy. They know if A happens, I'm going to do B, but when, and with who, I have no idea, so my style is no style, meaning my style is what's appropriate at the moment. I'm a chameleon. I'm whatever I need to be to get my objectives done."
"I grew up in Hawaii so I know how to spear fish. I was on the high school swim team, so I can swim really fast. I ran track. I did it all. That's what I love about being the sushi chef, because they're like, I can kick the guy's ass, he's the sushi man. That's the great part about it, because I'm so much more than that. I purposely didn't come into the game all ripped and buff, with my shirt off, because that's not how I want people to perceive me. I want people to perceive me as the non-threat, sushi guy, let's keep him around because he makes sushi all day. That kind of thing. I like that."
"About 3 years ago I filed for bankruptcy. I was a real estate investor, I had 10 properties. I was high on the hog. I had $230,000 cash in the bank. I was going to be the next (?). I was going to be rich bad. You know the story, man. Everything collapsed. I lost everything. It was brutal. I not only lost the money and the property, I lost the respect from my wife, and that killed me."
"So that's what's fueling me here, you know what I'm saying? It's not just the money. It is the money, but it's my respect I'm trying to earn back. It's saying to my wife, you know what, I appreciate your realism, but you were wrong. I am, my crazy ideas are not crazy. My ideas are big ideas, yes, but they're realistic. If I had to say the reason behind the million, it would be that. Coming home and going to that reunion show and getting that check and not even saying anything. Letting the money speak for itself and say, I told you. I told you I was right the whole time."
"That's why I'm here."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Wysłany: Pią 20:27, 24 Lut 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 2:
Luxury Suite
Jonas is proud of his tribe for winning the tarp reward.
"We were feeling really good. With anything in life I never like to get cocky; it seems like bad karma. We did celebrate and we are feeling really good. Good, but not overconfident."
"That tarp is massive. We are in a luxury suite. Basically the tarp is a huge morale-booster. The way I look at all these little rewards like the tarp and the crab, coconuts, is the good things compound each other out here, especially when you've slept a half-hour every day. When one bad thing happens, it just starts to spiral down, one thing after another, and pretty soon, your mind is beating you. To have these little positives all the time keeps you on top of your game and keeps you in a positive spirit, which is everything out here."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Wysłany: Pią 16:56, 02 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 3:
Girls Are Playing Hardball
Jonas is not happy that the women are not sharing their canoe reward.
(Jonas in the water with a mask)
"I'm out here right now. The current is pretty crazy. It would have been much easier if I'd had the boat, but since the girls are playing hardball, I have to kind of rough it out out here and do what I can."
"I don't understand their reasoning. It made no sense to me. I mean, the way they think, it's completely irrational."
"If anything, they just dug their own grave. You know it's gonna rain again, and they're gonna wanna come back and stay in our shelter, and it's not gonna happen. It's a consensus with all the boys that we're done with their games."
"They're the ones down the numbers, they're down food, they're down shelter, and they're playing hardball? That's like negotiating 101. If you're not in a place to walk, don't play hardball."
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez ciriefan dnia Pią 17:14, 02 Mar 2012, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 20:04, 09 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 4:
Hormonal, Irrational Women
Jonas does not understand why Salani rejected his offer to use their fishing net.
"So me and Troy go over to the womens' tribe and we propose that they let us use the net, because they obviously don't know how to use the net. So we go over, and say, 'Listen, if you let us use the net, we'll give you 50% of whatever we catch.' They're like, 'No, no, we're not down with that.' They were trying to play hardball. Fine. You're not gonna catch any fish. That's fine. If you say no, that's good for us, if you say yes, that's good for us. They're not catching any fish, so I don't understand why they're playing hardball."
"I just walked away at that point. We're dealing with hormonal, irrational women right now. It's not even worth trying to negotiate. At this point I'm done even trying to make a bargain with them. It doesn't make any sense at this point."
"What we wanna do now - we're not pushing the issue - what we're letting them do is fumble around for a few more days and not catch fish. They'll come back, and when they come back, the deal's different. It's not 50/50 anymore, because they're coming back to us. It's more like 25% to them, 75 to us."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Wysłany: Pią 23:36, 23 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 6:
Typical Colton
Jonas is not surprised that Colton left the game with the idol.
"I was all emotional. I started getting all worked up, a little teary-eyed. Then he pulls the, 'I'm gonna keep the idol for a souvenir.' Oh my gosh. My respect level dropped from a 10 to maybe a 3. (laughs) Why? I was just like, for me, I would never do that. I would never do that. That wouldn't even cross my mind."
"Basically he took a million dollar necklace home. For what? To hang on his wall? I'd hire somebody to make 10 of those for him. Just give us the idol, dude. It made no sense."
"If I knew there was no way I would ever be able to win a million dollars, and I had a million dollar lottery ticket in my hand, why would I not give it to somebody, anybody? You know what I mean? Now nobody's gonna get it. Does that make sense?"
"That's typical Colton. That's how everybody views Colton."
"He knows he comes in looking really weak, and a non-threat, and then he uses that to kick your ass later on, and to scheme. The guy could be the most manipulate, underestimated player ever. Russell Hantz - come on, you look at the guy and you know he's gonna kick your ass. You look at the guy and you know he's a fricken' liar. Colton comes in all innocent, and you don't expect it - he just takes you out."
"The guy was a master manipulator. There's no way around it. The guy caught everybody off guard. When he left wit hthat idol, that was his last way of saying, I''m still the man here and I'm running the show.' It was his last little power trip."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 21:21, 30 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 7 - 5 filmików:
Love To Eat & Cook
Jonas discusses his role as camp chef
"Me working all the time at camp, it is somewhat natural for me, just because I want to eat, and I can't eat by myself. In the back of my head I do have that strategic part of it, where I feel like it might be beneficial to be somewhat of a provider and all that stuff. People can obviously see right through that, if that's your only motive, to gain favor and cook for them. The fact that I am a chef makes it a little more natural and believable that, hey, this guy just likes to cook - which I do. The strategic element is just a sidenote. I like to eat and I like to cook, it's very natural for me. I do make sure I serve everybody else, that part is strategic. I want people to feel like that's...all those little things I do, like serving people, it builds trust on a subconscious level. I am aware of that kind of stuff, and I do that on purpose, but for the most part I like to eat and I like to cook."
Extended The Olive Branch
Jonas discusses his apology to Tarzan.
"I sort of extended the olive branch to Tarzan this morning. I felt bad. I felt more embarrassed that I lost it on him. Thinking about, my mom's gonna have a heart attack when she sees me acting like that. I just felt bad. I could tell Tarzan was sincerely sad. He sort of went in the cave a little, and he wasn't being his usual self, his vulgar self. He was kind of subdued. I just felt bad. I said, 'Listen, Tarzan, I don't care if you're in my alliance anymore, I just wanted to apologize for acting the way I did.' He was actually really touched by it. He started crying. I was getting emotional too, because I could tell he was really sincere about it. I like Tarzan a lot. I like him for his innocence. He's very genuine."
"Apologizing to Tarzan was just purely...I just felt really bad. I went to bed last night and I thought about what I said and how I said it. I was in a full out psychotic rage. Being sleep-deprived, plus the food deprivation, it can bring out the beast. The beast was unleashed yesterday, and I took off the gloves and started swinging."
"It was nice to make up with him, and now we're back to having a more solid alliance."
Secret Scene: Jonas
Jonas has a good day fishing and strategizing with Christina.
(day 19)
Jonas: Alright, you want to go, Christina? Let's go get some clams.
Christina: Yeah.
Jonas (solo): I've always enjoyed hunting things, and just the joy of getting it, capturing it, cooking it, then enjoying the food at the end. In the back of my head, I do have that strategic part of it where it could be beneficial to be a provider and all that stuff.
Jonas: So, this is just my impression. Alicia seems way sneaky to me. She's always off with some new person, making deals. I trust you way more than I trust her.
Christina: Thank you.
Jonas: Every five seconds she's making deals with somebody else. The guys alliance has always stayed solid.
Christina (solo): Jonas, he just wants to kick her out, where I can't, if I'm gonna be with the girls over the guys. To be perfectly honest, I was gonna go with the girls, only because I wasn't sure what's going on with the guys.
Christina: I just hope the guys' alliance is strong, because if it is, I'll go with the guys. If I find any cracks, I'm gonna get scared.
Christina (solo): I said, 'I'm gonna go with the stronger alliance with the numbers.' I don't even know if I can trust the girls. They tried to vote me off before, which doesn't really mean they can't do it again. The bottom line is I'm thinking I do want to go with the guys.
Christina: I tell you what, Jonas, I do trust you, and Jay, and Troy more than I trust the girls. That's the bottom line.
Jonas: Here's my thinking. If they tried to screw you once, they're gonna try it again. That's just the way it is.
Christina: No, I get ya.
Jonas: Y'know? Alrighty. (goes back to the fishing) Right in here somewhere. We'll try to see what we get.
(Jonas and Christina go underwater, and Jonas spears some fish)
Jonas (solo): Today's my lucky day. Caught Christina and two fish. Kind of a no-brainer. Everything's going my way.
Jonas the Day After
Jonas reflects on his time in the game after he is voted out of Survivor: One World.
"It was an honor just to play the game."
"When I got to the first challenge, and I saw the scale of the actual challenge, how huge it was..."
"The moment I jumped off that 30 foot tower onto that net, and when I hit that net and bounced up into the air, I swear to you, I felt like I was in heaven. I wasn't even concerned about winning. All I knew was this euphoric moment, floating with joy. I was just flying in the air, like, I'm on Survivor, I'm so happy. The whole game, I had these moments where I was like, wow, this is so beyond what I could ever imagine. I think for me one of the biggest victories was believing that the things you believe are almost impossible are totally possible. Before I even applied for the show, I almost shut myself down, thinking, man, there's tens of thousands of people, what are the chances of me being picked one out of eighteen. It taught me a great lesson that you never want to shut yourself down before you get shut down by somebody else. That almost happened to me. I was like, wow, I will never shut myself down. I will always apply, I will always take the proper steps to at least have somebody else shut me down. I think that was the biggest revelation to me, that more often than not, when we do fail in life, we shut ourselves down, and not somebody else shuts us down."
"The big turning point for me was when we split up tribes, and I went from Manono men to Manono mixed men and women. That was when I really kicked it into gear because I realized the game could go in any direction. I started to make some huge moves."
"I'm proud of my game because even in the last Tribal Council when I knew I was going out, or they were going to vote me, I left it all on the table. I went out swinging. I went out with a bang. Most importantly I think I was able to separate the game from real life very well. I didn't take anything personally, I didn't harbor any ill feelings. I just played the game for the game's sake."
"That made me proud, that everybody was cool with me and vice/versa."
"The mental aspect was totally ten times harder than any survival. For a while there, the survival part was just fun and games for me. In fact, to get away from the game, and all the drama, the scheming and the plotting, I would purposely go and spear fish and get crabs. The survival part actually kept me sane, the hunting for the food, and cooking. That helped me to stay grounded in the game and not go crazy with all the mental scheming. The conniving and the BS-ing and the paranoia, that part was super-strenuous on me."
"At the last Tribal, had I played it safe, had I laid down and just died, I would have been really bummed. I pulled all the stops possible. I stirred the pot like crazy. I basically just came up with a plan to vote out the guy right next to me and I told him right to his face."
"It was so ridiculously over the top, what I did, that when I went out, I was like, really, could I have done anything more to save myself?"
"My tribe was definitely smart to get rid of me, because I was scheming way more than I thought I was. Everybody, when I left the game, they were like, 'Oh, Jonas, he's so nice.' They don't realize that like five minutes before, I was like, 'Yeah, we gotta vote that person out right now,' and that person was in my alliance, you know."
We Probably Would've Won
Jonas blames Tarzan for the reward challenge loss.
"You know, the challenge, it started off with Leif, he tried to go face-first and his butt got stuck. That ate up a huge chunk of time. Then we made a close comeback, it was really, really close. But we just couldn't pull it together in time."
"When Tarzan and I are working on the puzzle, instead of contributing on the puzzle, he's taking out pieces, 'Oh, I don't think that goes there.' 'No, no, that's not right.' Tell me what IS right, don't just tell me what's wrong or what you think might be wrong. Or he's talking with Jeff. Jeff's like, 'Jonas gets another piece,' and (Tarzan's) like, 'Hey, I got some too, dammit.' Focus on the puzzle. What are you here for? To get praised by Jeff? We're here to win."
"It's frustrating. I think Tarzan loves to bark orders, but he doesn't like to do a whole lot. He just loves to point out what's wrong when people do things. It's frustrating. If the guy would have pulled his weight in the puzzle - I think he put maybe two or three pieces together - we probably would have won. I was trying not to let it get to me, but it was a little frustrating."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Wto 13:37, 03 Kwi 2012 Temat postu: |
Wywiad z Jonasem:
“The Girls Brainwashed Troy and Jay” – Exclusive Interview with Survivor: One World’s Jonas
Jonas found out he was a likely target and he tried to try to counter it – but what was the plan to do so? How did things go wrong for him when he had a solid alliance prior to the tribal switch-up? What was his overall strategy in the early game? Does he agree with or contradict what Colton told us last week? And what does he really think of Tarzan and Colton? Survivor’s Jonas discusses all of this and more right here!
Jonas went from being a quiet provider who was flying a bit under the radar to suddenly becoming the biggest threat the opposing alliance could find. Read on to see what he think of how this alliance came to be, how he was named the target, and much more!
R: Hello, Jonas, and thanks for taking the time to talk to us!
Jonas: Oh, you’re welcome!
R: Let’s jump right in to the end of your time on the show. I’m trying to get a handle on what the plan was going into Tribal Council. Can you explain it?
Jonas: There were multiple plans in different people’s heads. Tarzan was under the assumption that everybody was going to vote for Kat – when I say everybody, he was thinking Jay, Troy, himself, Leif, and Mike were going to vote for Kat. And he thought I was in that whole mix. I knew from talking to Troy and Jay that they absolutely were not on board with that plan.
I knew we didn’t have the votes so I knew it was pointless to even vote for Kat. It gets a little confusing because it could be said that, based on our talks, the vote was changed. But we never had the votes for Kat. I knew that the girls had brainwashed Troy and Jay to leave the alliance with me when they created the new Salani tribe and the guys were down numbers. It was basically Troy and Jay, and Mike was never part of our alliance.
I knew when we remerged, the alliance had been destroyed and Jay and Troy were now with Chelsea and Kim. Kim had convinced Troy and Jay that I was going next. I knew the only chance I had was to convince Chelsea and Kim to vote Mike, because that would still prove the guys’ loyalty was towards the women, but it would just not be me. That was my plan that I had proposed to everybody else.
R: How much of a chance did you think your new plan had?
Jonas: I proposed that to every single person and I talked to everybody individually, except for Kat, about voting Mike. It’s one of those things where, I realize how easy this was to fall into when I fell into voting for Bill. Bill was like my best friend in the game but it was so easy for me to fall into the [mode of thinking], “Hey, five guys are going to vote for Bill so why don’t I just jump into that too?” It was so much easier. Everybody just decided Jonas, Jonas, Jonas and they all fell in line.
I realized being out there how difficult it is changing people’s minds and how much of a target it puts on you if you try to change people’s minds. It’s way too much work and way too risky.
R: Do you think Troyzan was ever with you, or was he perhaps trying to begin the process of jury management?
Jonas: I think it was a little bit of both. Bill and Troy were by far my closest friends and allies out there. But when we got separated at the mix-up, he definitely had made alliances with Chelsea and Kim and that was totally clear to me once we remerged. He was acting weird and I called him out on it. I get the feeling that if Michael wasn’t an issue then maybe I might not have been told I was going to go home.
R: Last week, Colton told me that despite the way he was treating Christina, his plan was actually to vote out Alicia. He said, “what actually happened was I had already spoken with Jonas, saying we need to flip this and get rid of Alicia because she has connections with the women.” Is that indeed what happened?
Jonas: Yes, yes. Believe it or not, he did talk to me about that. I didn’t believe him 100% but he did propose it. I believed about negative-80% of what Colton said. I didn’t believe anything that guy said. I just pretended to make him think I believed what he said. (Laugh)
R: Speaking of Colton, earlier in the game, you seemed to be content to just be a quiet follower of his. What was your plan at that point?
Jonas: Because Colton was so volatile and so was his rationale for voting out people – he proposed we give up immunity! It showed how non-strategic his thinking was and how emotional he was about voting. I knew any little suspicion of me trying to get him out would be very dangerous because he could flip on you in an instant and in two minutes he’d have everybody voting for you.
My thoughts were: 1) It’s way too early to be making big moves. 2) Hey, let him do all the dirty work and I’ll make him believe I’m with him and it’ll be that much easier. It was purely strategic on my part, it wasn’t like he and I had any kind of a friendship or anything.
Although I did really truly feel some empathy for him when he went out. I was shocked I even felt that way. People ask me, “Was that real?” I really did. At that point, I knew he wasn’t lying or faking – it was real and raw and I was like, I actually feel bad for the guy. I was actually shocked.
R: What do you think of Tarzan overall?
Jonas: I’m totally cool with Tarzan. I know it’s not like he was singling anybody out with his abrasiveness – he was just like that. I don’t take it personally.
R: I’m being told we’re out of time, but before we go, is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your time on Survivor?
Jonas: My time on Survivor was amazing. Maybe one thing that was unique is that I learned if you have zero money and if you have a spear and a mask, you can survive if it really came down to it.
R: Thanks again, Jonas!
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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