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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Pią 19:36, 20 Sty 2012 Temat postu: Kourtney Moon |
Wiek: 29
Plemię: Salani
Zawód: mechanik motocyklowy
Powód do dumy: To proste. Pewna osoba urosła w moim ciele, wymęczyła je, gdy wychodziła z niego przez mały otwór i sprawiła, że nie zwariowałam całkowicie jako rodzic, przynajmniej jeszcze nie. To najsłodsza osoba jaką znam. A jeśli chodzi o rzeczy niepowiązane z tworzeniem ludzi, to muszę szczerze przyznać, że jestem dumna, iż udało mi się utrzymać zdrowie psychiczne pomimo tortur mentalnych i emocjonalnych, przez które przechodziłam przez kilka ostatnich lat.
Życiowa inspiracja: Życiowa inspiracja? Muszę powiedzieć, że nie ma takiej osoby. Jest tak wiele osób, które dały mi jakąś wartościową lekcję, czy tego chciały czy nie, czy miały dobre intencje czy nie. Ludzie, którzy próbują być naprawdę altruistyczni są dla mnie ogromną inspiracją.
Hobby: Robienie czegokolwiek z moim synkiem, motocykle, szycie, imprezy i nocne jazdy rowerem.
Irytuje mnie: Miałam bardzo, bardzo złe doświadczenia z ludźmi o niskich kodeksach moralnych. Nie mam cierpliwości do hipokrytów i osób, które ciągle podniecają się własnym fartem. Brak szacunku dla monogamii jest dla mnie bardzo irytujący. Nienawidzę też ludzi, którzy plują na innych tylko dlatego, że mogą to zrobić, czyli w skrócie socjopatów i narcyzów.
3 słowa, którymi się opiszesz: kreatywna, nie umiejąca się skoncentrować i impulsywna.
Zawodnik, do którego się porównasz: Jud i Courtney, bo reagowali w różnych sytuacjach tak, jak ja bym to zrobiła. To nie były sztuczne osoby. Wiedzieli, jakie są ich dobre strony i zaakceptowali swoje niedociągnięcia. Udało im się też zachować zdrowie psychiczne, gdy sytuacja stała się trudna.
Powód bycia w grze: Potrzebuję pieniędzy i pragnę tego doświadczenia. Podróżowanie, poznawanie nowych ludzi, otwieranie nowych drzwi, wyjście z muszli, w której żyję, nawet choć na chwilę. Bardzo potrzebuję drastycznej zmiany w moim życiu, oczywiście wolę zmianę, która nie zagrażałaby mojemu życiu. Odejdę z tej gry zmieniona na zawsze i to na lepsze.
Dlaczego przetrwa: Mam świetne umiejętności dymplomatyczne i jestem dobrym mediatorem. Często lepiej widzę pozytywną część jakiejś osoby, a nie negatywną, przez co łatwo wybaczam i akceptuję innych. Nie mam problemów z byciem liderką, z byciem podwładną i z usuwaniem się komuś z drogi, gdy jest do koniecznie.
Dlaczego wygra: Ponieważ na tym świecie nic nie ma sensu, aczkolwiek wszystko naprawdę może się zdarzyć.
Kourtney mówi: Chcę być dobrą osobą. Mało było takich graczy. Trudno jest odnaleźć kogoś, kto grał uczciwie, a ja właśnie tak chcę grać na tyle, na ile będzie to możliwe. Mam przecież życie, do którego wrócę po zakończeniu gry.
Jeff mówi: Kourtney jest najbardziej unikalną kobietą w swoim plemieniu. Jest w pewnym sensie artystką. Jest sympatyczna, ale nie sądzę, żeby mogła wygrać tą grę. Nie ma wystarczająco silnej osobowości.
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez ciriefan dnia Pią 19:37, 20 Sty 2012, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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sole survivor
Dołączył: 12 Mar 2011
Posty: 2029
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Pomógł: 6 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Stargard/Poznań
Wysłany: Sob 0:37, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Chyba trochę zbyt dobra i prostoduszna jak na tę grę. Nastawia się na aspekt osobowościowy, a nie taktyczny, prawdopodobnie nie będzie umiała dostosować swojego charakteru do zasad, które są potrzebne by wygrać. Nie będzie umiała zakombinować i okłamać gdy będzie trzeba, ani siedzieć cicho gdy będzie trzeba. Porównanie do Fabia i Courtney też szału nie wróży. Obstawiam, że poleci jako jedna z pierwszych.
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez tombak90 dnia Sob 0:38, 21 Sty 2012, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Sob 8:48, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
A ja ją uwielbiam Po jej wypowiedziach jest moją totalną ulubienicą Ale też obstawiam, że raczej daleko nie zajdzie, bo za bardzo się różni od ślicznych lalek ze swojego plemienia.
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sole survivor
Dołączył: 17 Sie 2011
Posty: 1024
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Wysłany: Sob 9:18, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Z twarzy przypomina mi Dolly z Vanuatu i pewnie podobnie do niej skończy. Z drugiej strony obawiam się, że będzie kimś w stylu Sugar i jej "chcę być po stronie dobrych". Słodka jest i tyle.
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6 jury member
Dołączył: 27 Gru 2010
Posty: 626
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Wysłany: Sob 11:48, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
"kreatywna, nie umiejąca się skoncentrować i impulsywna"
Czemu ona sobie robi taką antyreklamę?
Patrząc po tym tekście albo będzie moją ulubienicą(genialna odpowiedź na pytanie dlaczego wygra Survivor) albo będę chciał, żeby jak najszybciej odpadła("w pewnym sensie artystka" brzmi groźnie).
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Sob 16:17, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Nie no nie przesadzajmy z Dolly i Sugar, bo to były takie trochę słit pustaki, a jednak widać, że Kourtney wiele w życiu przeszła i jej odpowiedzi są na poziomie
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7 voted out
Dołączył: 11 Kwi 2010
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Wysłany: Sob 16:47, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Dobra, mnie sie kojarzy z ostrą laską, która potrafi też być słodka i uczciwa, a że tacy ludzie potrafią mieć otwarty umysł, to coś z niej może być myśle
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4 jury member
Dołączył: 03 Sie 2010
Posty: 404
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Wysłany: Sob 17:33, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Brandon tez wiele w życiu przeszedł xD
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Powrót do góry |
sole survivor
Dołączył: 17 Sie 2011
Posty: 1024
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Sob 17:39, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Cytat: | Nie no nie przesadzajmy z Dolly i Sugar, | Drobna kobietka, okrągła buzia, dziecięca uroda. Nie przesadzam. Jest podobna.
Cytat: | Brandon tez wiele w życiu przeszedł xD | Rewelacyjne podsumowanie całości.
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez Kobra dnia Sob 17:39, 21 Sty 2012, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Sob 17:51, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Haha no racja Ale jednak jest między nimi 10 lat różnicy i mam nadzieję, że zaprezentuje ona inny poziom. Fakt, z wyglądu jest podobna do Sugar, myślałem, że mówisz o charakterze Ale tak jak napisała MD, wydaje mi się, że to raczej ostra laska a la Courtney. A jeśli chodzi o Juda, to może nie chodzi o Fabio tylko tego z Gwatemali?
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Powrót do góry |
sole survivor
Dołączył: 12 Mar 2011
Posty: 2029
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 6 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Stargard/Poznań
Wysłany: Nie 17:31, 22 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
No na stratega nie wygląda, ale osobowość może mieć ciekawą. Może to będzie taka first voted out, którą mimo wszystko ludzie pokochają i będą żałować, tak jak Marisa?
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez tombak90 dnia Nie 17:37, 22 Sty 2012, w całości zmieniany 2 razy
Powrót do góry |
Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Sob 8:49, 18 Lut 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 1 - 3 filmiki:
Secret Scene: Kourtney
Kourtney volunteers to kill a chicken for her tribe.
day 2
(After various people spot chickens, Chelsea grabs them)
Kourtney (solo): Chelsea grabbed two chickens. That's awesome. I draw so much inspiration from her. It gives me inspiration to do more.
(when the ladies debate over who should kill the chicken, Kourtney says they should just cut its head off)
Kourtney (voiceover as Monica and Kourtney walk off with chicken and machete): The girls decided they needed a chicken sooner than later. Nobody wanted to kill it. So I basically just decided, we need to get this done.
(various people nervously watch Kourtney, then applaud her after she beheads the chicken)
Kourtney: I'm shaking.
(Monica encourages and hugs her)
Kourtney (solo): I feel valuable, providing for my tribe, because I felt like I stepped up to something not everybody's gonna wanna do.
Monica: Now we gotta pluck him. We gotta figure out how to get all the guts out.
(later, Monica is in the water, trying to degut the chicken; Kourtney tries to give a suggestion)
Kourtney (solo): I'll be pretty upset if they screw it up, since I had to kill the damn thing. But that's OK. Instead of voting people off, I'll just use the handy axe, and that way I won't feel bad about voting people off. Cannibalism. It's gonna happen. If somebody gets on my nerves, and I'm thirsty, I'm hungry, and I hear human flesh is like really sweet. And we're getting to that point.
(Kourtney watches as Christine says the chicken isn't done and they should stick it over the fire)
Not the Standard Soccer Mom
Kourtney is a motorcycle mechanic who hopes to do well in Survivor for her and her son.
"I'm a motorcycle mechanic. We work mostly on vintage Japanese motorcycles. You don't want to spread yourself too thin or else you're not gonna make any money. We don't make enough money as it is. Probably one of my lowest paying jobs, but the most gratifying for me, for sure."
"My job is constant problem-solving. Even if it's a really simple job, like take these cars and strip them, you always find something wrong, there's always an obstacle thrown in your way, especially working on old bikes, you don't always have the resources available. So I think coming out here, that will help me because you really are forced to think outside of what you normally want to. There is a very rigid and logical basis of how you have to approach a problem, but you have to think outside the box with that type of work. Here, I think you really do. You have to get really creative with your surroundings. I think that's where I'll be comfortable, and find my niche, I guess."
"People do judge me because of my tattoos, but if I worried about what people thought of me, I wouldn't get out of bed in the morning."
"I didn't think tattoos would get me a lot of attention, at first, because when I see people with tattoos, I don't go up to them and go (puts on dumb voice), 'What's that for? What's that?' It's one of those things you kind of admire from afar. People will blatantly come up to you and be like, 'Why'd you get that?' And I'm like, 'Well...'"
"Basically, yeah. Most of my tattoos are kind of, I got them for sad reasons. They marked a certain point in my life. It's a lot of unwanted attention. I got them for myself, not for other people. I guess other people feel like they have to say something."
"I am nervous about the pace things move in this game. I've watched previous shows, and people form an immediate alliance. I'm thinking, well, you gotta feel everybody out. But you have to do everything quick quick quick. You have to hope the person you kind of hook up with, if you do, is gonna kinda me as solid as you are, until they don't need you or you don't need them. I am intimidated by that. It's gonna be like high school times a thousand. But it's kind of relieving to know it's a game."
"You can kind of expect certain things from people, and you can certain things you wouldn't normally do in real life. It's a game where everyone is working towards a similar goal, and hopefully no one takes a lot of things personally. At least I won't. I hope not. I don't know. Once I'm emaciated, and hungry, and exhausted, I might be like, 'I CAN"T BELIEVE...' We'll see."
"I'm not the standard soccer mom at all. Never. Ever."
"I'd like to think my kid thinks I'm a cool mom. He tells me that a lot. It's pretty nice. I remember the first time he said, 'Mom, I love you.' That was really sweet. The other day, he told me I was the most beautifulest mom in town, and even prettier than one of the girls in his class. I was like, oh, that's so cute. But yeah, we shoot zombies together, I tell him stories, we wrestle, we do a lot of fun stuff together. We like to swim together."
"Those are my best memories of my kid. He's a lot of fun."
"I'm doing this for my kid, and for money. I have a lot of things I'd like to square away in real life, and this is an opportunity of a lifetime. I"m sure that's so cliche, but it kind of is. I'm at this point where what do I have to lose? I'm at a point in my life where I need to change something. This is not what I was expecting, but when the opportunity arose, oh God, I would regret not doing it. At the stake of my reputation, but like I said, I don't care what anybody thinks. But yeah, I'm out here so I can square away some financial things for me and some members of my family. That's what I hope to do. And I want to fly helicopters. I can do that with this. That's a big thing."
Kourtney the Day After
Kourtney reflects on her time in the game the day after she exits Survivor.
"My experience in the game of Survivor was...different."
"It was 3 days. It was hot and sweaty and chaotic, and I didn't know what was going on half the time. I just remember really wanting to prove myself, and I remember being afraid of the challenge, and being curious about the guys but not wanting to deal with them, because that seemed premature."
"Being in an all-girl tribe was really intimidating. Girls intimidate me. That was kind of revisiting my adolescence. It was different. I was kind of looking at it as something I could dive headfirst into, because everything I do is ridiculous and I don't think about it before I do it, I just do it. Coming on Survivor was one of those things. It's now or never, I'm gonna do it."
"My friends and family, if they watch the one episode, they're gonna laugh at me for sure. For sure. They'll probably feel bad I hurt myself, but I think I'm going to be the brunt of a joke for many moons to come. But that's OK. I'm willing to take on that responsibility. I know my Mom's gonna love it, because she used to call me Grace, because I'm so clumsy. Then I break my arm..."
"The social part of the game was the hardest for me. Just because immediately - I guess there were so many unknowns with the social aspect of the game, and it was so soon, and I knew things were going on, but I wasn't a part of those things. I had to sort of draw my own conclusions and read people. One thing that was easy for me to read situations, non-verbal communication between people."
"But immersing myself in it was tricky. I was able to, when something seemed a little difficult for me, I was able to, oh, well I have some time, I'm gonna bide my time, I'm gonna weave these palm fronds, I'm gonna do things around camp. To me, the survival part of it came so easily, because I'm so fascinated with going back to basics anyway. I've romanticized going off the grid, and growing my own food, and slaughtering my own chickens and stuff. I kind of got to see what that might be like. I liked it."
"My best moment on Survivor, aside from the catastrophe, was...it sounds awful, but when I killed the chicken, I guess. I'd never done anything like that before, and I kind of felt like I wanted to take that burden off Monica. I know she felt like no one else was gonna do it, so she had to do it. I could see on her face that she didn't want to do it. I felt kind of brave. I'm sure it's no big thing, but I'm a city girl, so that's a big thing for me. I really wanted to know what it's like to appreciate the meat I'm eating. Going through that, being such an animal lover that I am, that was my big moment, probably, I think. The only other thing I did was weave palm fronds. I tried to help with the shelter, but it was beyond that; everyone was too chaotic and disorganized. I feel like my moment to actually contribute was probably helping provide dinner that night."
"I do think I have the mental and physical capacity to make it to day 39, and I really, really wanted to see what that would be like. I wanted to fight hard to get there, but, as fate should have it, it happened."
"I need to get into flight training. That's one of my major goals. I want to fly helicopters. When I get home, I'm going to enroll in school, get a second job, find a good place - I'm looking to buy some property, and try to move on with my life. This has been like a really nice vacation."
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez ciriefan dnia Sob 8:52, 18 Lut 2012, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Nie 10:54, 19 Lut 2012 Temat postu: |
Wywiad z Kourtney:
“Everyone Was a Little Unclear on How to Jump” – An Interview with Survivor: One World’s Kourtney
Kourtney broke her wrist in the first challenge of Survivor: One World, but it turns out that isn’t her biggest medical problem right now. In fact, she did this interview from the hospital! What is she going through now? How is her wrist? Does she think the women would have taken the challenge win if one of the men had been hurt instead of her? And what can she tell us about the situation on Survivor before she had to leave? Read on to find out!
Kourtney made the kind of Survivor history nobody wants by being the first woman evacuated due to medical reasons and the first one to leave before the first Tribal Council due to such reasons – obviously not a “record” she was shooting for! But that pales in comparison to the current medical issues she is facing.
Indeed, because that situation (which she discusses below), I wasn’t able to interview Kourtney in my usual manner, and was instead part of a group call. So some of these questions are from other interviewers, while the best ones (of course!) are from me. We’ll start with mine, since I was apparently the only one on the call who knew about her current medical situation, some of which she’d hinted at through Twitter, where she linked to a clip of Kindergarten Cop with one of the kids telling Ah-nold that he has a “tumah” and then talking about her “breakfast of champions” on Tuesday being “pain meds and a bag o' fluid.”
R: I understand that you are currently having some medical problems that are bigger than your wrist. Do you want to talk about that?
Kourtney: I had emergency surgery this week – they found a tumor in my abdomen and had to remove a few things. It was a pretty traumatic experience. My dad’s in Afghanistan and my mom doesn’t live in Austin. I was in the hospital pretty much alone. And I’m deathly afraid of having my blood drawn.
I went through all these tests and I had these sneaking suspicions something wasn’t right and sure enough they found a grapefruit-sized tumor on my ovary. I was hoping it wasn’t terminal or something crazy like that, but it was not benign (meaning it was cancerous). I’m waiting back on some test results but my surgeon is really optimistic.
R: Let me speak for all of us and readers who have already contacted me to say we hope you’re doing better and were sorry to see you go in the way you did, and now I’ll only add similar thoughts on your current situation. I can’t believe you’re doing interviews now!
Kourtney: It’s kind of nice instead of staring at the hospital wall. It’s a good change of pace.
R: Well, continuing with that change of pace and getting into the game, if the situation had been reversed and one of the men had been injured instead of you, do you think your tribe would have continued the challenge or taken the easy win?
Kourtney: They absolutely would have taken the win. I noticed some of the girls said it was kind of chicken$#!+, but come on, everyone was exhausted and tired! It was a really hard challenge and we weren’t all the way into it yet. It was an easy win and anyone would have done it.
R: Since your time in the game was short, and the first episode focused more on Alicia/Matt/Chelsea/Christina/Michael arguing, is there anything about your game that you feel should be noted?
Kourtney: I did find a little clip online that wasn’t in the first episode – the girls all wanted to eat chicken but nobody wanted to kill it. So I stepped up to the plate and did it. I’m not a country girl but I remember when I was a kid, seeing a farmer hacking the chicken’s head. And I wove so many palm fronds for both tribes and there wasn’t much about that either. I would like to say I worked my butt off to try to make tribe life as comfy as possible.
R: I don’t want to sound callous and there is no easy way to ask this, but I have already heard from numerous readers and people on Twitter and the like, so I have to ask: Why did the women, in particular, seem to have problems jumping into the net in the way Jeff Probst told them to?
Kourtney: That’s a rough question. I think everyone was just a little unclear on how to jump into the net. I think it just wasn’t as clear and concise as it seemed to be. Let’s leave it at that.
Another Interviewer Question: Was there any instruction given on jumping into the net before the challenge started?
Kourtney: Yeah. There was. My understanding was to put my feet out and go butt-first. Another understanding of mine was if you were to grab the net to help yourself from bouncing, that could save time. My main concern was to save time and not have my knees come up and hit me in the face, which is why I jumped the way I did. I honestly never heard anyone say anything about pulling my hands to my chest, but we were all excited and it could have been something I didn’t hear.
Question: You’re still in the hospital and watched the show there last night – what was the atmosphere like? Were you a celebrity there?
Kourtney: No, I didn’t tell anybody until they walked in and were like, “Whoa, hey.” They got a kick out of that. One of my friends and their baby and my ex-husband and my son were all piled up in the hospital room watching. Even thou we’re not together anymore, he could still poke fun at me and we all got a good laugh.
Question: Was there ever a real possibility of getting back in the game?
Kourtney: No. I knew it was broken from the moment I rolled off that net.
Question: What was the process once medical arrived?
Kourtney: It took a while to get from camp to any sort of civilization, but once we got there, I had to wait quite a bit before I could see anybody to see if my bones were broken. Once they saw, they determined I couldn’t go back. I had no sense of time, really, when we were in the game so coming back into the real world it was pretty rough transition even after just three days. It was weird.
Question: How is your wrist now?
Kourtney: Doing a lot better but still working on building strength and range of motion.
Question: You’re a motorcycle mechanic, is that injury going to affect your livelihood?
Kourtney: It already really has. I came back, I tried to work, it was excruciating, I couldn’t even degrease an engine. Then around the same time my boss hired a new apprentice to take my place while I was gone, then he was robbed on top of that. He was in a harder situation than me so I told him [I would part ways]. I want to keep working on motorcycles as a hobby but when you work in a garage, you work on everybody’s instead of your own.
Question: What was the reaction from people who knew where you were at and they saw you in a cast?
Kourtney: They had to contact my closest loved ones, so they were prepared for it. My dad was in shock with the whole thing. I had not told my ex-husband so when I picked up my son, I had them both convinced I’d been attacked by a shark.
Question: When you arrived at the beach, what was going through your mind?
Kourtney: I didn’t think there would be any past contestants. I think it had happened too many times. I was more afraid of Redemption Island. [The two tribes sharing one beach] being the twist took a minute to register. Then I was pissed off ‘cus they had the better section of the island.
Question: What kind of interaction was there between the tribes?
Kourtney: Everybody went in with the mentality, “this is my tribe, this is your tribe.” That kind of stuck. Everyone was on that [wavelength] except maybe a couple girls who wanted to milk what they could out of the boys.
Question: Before your injury, did you think you were going to be safe if you lost the challenge?
Kourtney: I was – I don’t think I would have been out. It was pretty confirmed Christina was going to be out if we lost the challenge. Monica and I stayed up late that night to figure out what we were going to do to keep Christina from going out.
Question: How certain were you?
Kourtney: I’d overheard conversations and I’d even been asked would I do it [vote her out] too.
Question: After seeing the girls throw each other under the bus at Tribal Council, are you kind of glad you didn’t have to go through that?
Kourtney: Actually, I was looking forward to venting and telling some of the girls how I really felt about them.
Question: Were you able to form any alliances?
Kourtney: I was in the underdog alliance and had a solid bond with Monica and was confident with Christina and Nina.
Question: Were you aware of the five-person alliance of Alicia, Kim, Chelsea, Kat, and Sabrina?
Kourtney: Yeah, though not to the extent that it had happened. It was all in the body language, all in the eye contact. It was very transparent the way that it happened.
Question: In your time on the show, was there a clear leader of any kind?
Kourtney: Yes and no. I had my assumptions but it wasn’t very clear yet. I kind of felt like Sabrina and Kim had the potential to be puppet masters, but wasn’t quite sure yet.
Question: What did you think about Alicia?
Kourtney: She… oh gosh. She really rubbed me the wrong way, I can’t lie.
Question: Did you have any idea Sabrina had found the idol and given it to Colton?
Kourtney: I learned she’d given it to Colton afterwards but I knew she had found something because all she did was look for the idol all day, every day instead of working around the camp.
Question: What did you think about her giving it to Colton?
Kourtney: I think giving him that idol, she was putting a lot of confidence in his ability to stick around and have any clout.
Question: Matt came across as arrogant – is that what you witnessed?
Kourtney: I stayed away from the men as much as I could. My interaction with Matt were nice, so I was surprised to see the show. I thought he was a human Ken doll. He was never that way towards me. I guess I didn’t interact with him as much as the other girls did.
Question: You mentioned at the very beginning of the show that you thought you might have trouble fitting in with the women. Did you end up fitting in with them?
Kourtney: I was relieved to have bonded with the women I did bond with in the way that I did.
Question: Who left in the game does not stand a chance to win and why?
Kourtney: I would say Colton because he’s going to exhaust his resources if he doesn’t pick a side.
Question: Why did you stop at catching only two chickens?
Kourtney: Catching the chickens was not my department. The boys had the coop so the girls were keeping them in burlap sacks. That’s one of the reasons why we ended up killing one. We couldn’t make a little housing to secure them. The guys tried a few times but Chelsea was a rock star when it came to that.
Question: You had mentioned in a web clip that you were concerned and hoped your son would take something positive out of this – how was his reaction?
Kourtney: He was really excited to see me on TV. That excitement overruled the shock of seeing me break my arm. I think he was really excited to see Mommy on TV and was bummed I wouldn’t be on any more episodes.
Question: Was this your first attempt to get on Survivor?
Kourtney: It was my very first. I had never watched Survivor prior to this experience. You could say I was recruited. I did have to fill out an application and video, but they found me.
Question: Would you do it again?
Kourtney: Yeah, I think I would.
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sole survivor
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