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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
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Wysłany: Pią 21:41, 20 Sty 2012 Temat postu: Troy "Troyzan" Robertson |
Wiek: 50
Plemię: Manono
Zawód: nieetatowy fotograf wydarzeń sportowych
Powód do dumy: Adoptowanie i wychowanie mojej rodziny 12 małpek.
Życiowa inspiracja: Muhammad Ali. Zmienił oblicze boksu i prawdopodobnie sportu ogólnie. Jest najbardziej rozpoznawalnym sportowcem na tej planecie i otwartym aktywistą społecznym, który pokonał granice rasowe.
Hobby: nauka o małpach, pływanie, spacery z moimi psami i praca w egzotycznych miejscach
Irytuje mnie: Ludzie, którzy wysyłają smsy, jak z nimi rozmawiam, kiepscy kierowcy i kobiety z męskimi dłoniami.
3 słowa, którymi się opisze: Chętny przygód, zdeterminowany i zabawny
Gracz, do którego się porówna: Szczerze powiedziawszy, nie widzę nikogo podobnego do siebie. Jestem Troy Robertson i nie jestem nikim innym!
Powód bycia w grze: Chcę wystawić siebie na próbę cięższą, niż się komukolwiek wydaje. Chcę wiedzieć, kim się okażę być w takiej grze. Moje życie kręciło się wokół tego programu przez ostatnie 11 lat. Muszę wiedzieć, że marzenia się spełniają.
Dlaczego przetrwa: Jestem prawdziwym obozowiczem. Umiem rozpalić ogień używając dwóch gałązek. Jestem dobrym pływakiem i naturalnym liderem. Mam zdolność sprawiania, że ludzie stają się lepsi. Mam świetne zwierzęce instynkty i pływam jak delfin.
Dlaczego wygra: Wierzę, że to moje przeznaczenie. Szczerze wierzę w to, że Survivor na 100 procent został stworzony dla mnie. Czekałem na to 10 lat i nic mnie nie powstrzyma! Mam energię i umiejętności potrzebne w każdym aspekcie tej gry. Nie ma lepszej osoby na tej planecie, która by lepiej nadawała się do tej przygody!
Troy mówi: Survivor był w centrum mojego życia przez ostatnie 11 lat. To dla mnie emocjonalne, bo nawet ludzie od castingu mówili mi: "Nie. Powinieneś zapomnieć o tym marzeniu". Jeśli naprawdę się czegoś chce, nigdy nie wolno się poddać. Trzeba się na tym skupić.
Jeff mówi: Troy może wygrać tą grę. Sądzę, że jego pasja do tej gry może się okazać kluczowa. Albo znajdzie się w sytuacji, w której jego sojusz będzie pełen sympatycznych ludzi, którzy polubią go na tyle, że zajdzie daleko, albo znajdzie się wśród ludzi, którzy nie będą traktować go poważnie i zostanie wyeliminowany. Ja mu kibicuję.
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Wysłany: Pią 21:48, 20 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Z filmików wygląda trochę na takiego Ozzyego połączonego z Erikiem w wieku Randyego, na mnie osobiście sprawia dobre wrażenie i chyba polubię tego gościa ale czuję że daleko w grze nie zajedzie..
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Gość dnia Sob 15:26, 21 Sty 2012, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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sole survivor
Dołączył: 12 Mar 2011
Posty: 2029
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 6 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Stargard/Poznań
Wysłany: Sob 0:13, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
A mi przypomina Coacha, może tylko bez tego całego aspektu mistycznego. Na pewno będzie dość władczy i będzie silnie próbował zająć stanowisko lidera. Zależnie od tego, czy uda mu się przekonać do siebie ludzi czy nie, odpadnie na samym początku lub będzie dobrym liderem dużego sojuszu. W tym drugim przypadku jest szansa na finał.
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Sob 8:57, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Jak dla mnie skupia się za bardzo na aspekcie survivalowym, za mało na strategii. Nic o niej nie mówi, więc trudno mi go ocenić. Jeśli ma się okazać "Ozzym 20 lat później" to jestem na nie.
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sole survivor
Dołączył: 17 Sie 2011
Posty: 1024
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Sob 9:03, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Jeszcze jakiś czas temu zastanawiałem się kto będzie psycholem tego sezonu. Póki co on mi najlepiej pasuje.
Cytat: | Irytuje mnie: Ludzie, którzy wysyłają smsy, jak z nimi rozmawiam |
Cytat: | i naturalnym liderem. Mam zdolność sprawiania, że ludzie stają się lepsi. |
Potrzebuje uwagi, chce posłuszeństwa - taki tyran. Gdy on mówi musisz słuchać: "Albo tak jak ja chcę, albo wcale". Otoczy się jak Coach głupkami i będzie z siebie zadowolony. Co jeszcze go irytuje:
Cytat: | kobiety z męskimi dłoniami. | Wydaje mi się, że będzie negatywnie nastawiony do plemienia kobiet i będzie starał je się krytykować. Coś na zasadzie Amazonki i arogancji panów.
Cytat: |
Jestem Troy Robertson i nie jestem nikim innym!
Cytat: | Nie ma lepszej osoby na tej planecie, która by lepiej nadawała się do tej przygody! |
Wyczuwam delikatną megalomanię.
Cytat: | Jeff mówi: Ja mu kibicuję. | I już wiemy, kto będzie miał najwięcej setek.
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6 jury member
Dołączył: 27 Gru 2010
Posty: 626
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Sob 12:01, 21 Sty 2012 Temat postu: |
Wygląda mi na Coacha w wersji light, a ja nie lubię wersji light.
Cast wygląda na mocny fizycznie, więc nie widzę miejsca na powtórkę z Ozziego, choć wśród facetów widzę dużo mięśni, a w zadaniach rzadko kiedy decyduje sama siła fizyczna, więc to trudno jest ocenić zanim się kogoś zobaczy w akcji.
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Sob 8:59, 18 Lut 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 1
This Is My Island
Troyzan feels at home on Survivor and is ready to defeat his competition.
"My name's Troy Robertson. I'm from Miami, Florida - actually, south of Miami, by about an hour. I just turned 50 yesterday. I'm a freelance photographer."
"I got the name Troyzan because I've always been known as a jungle guy. I live in a little tropical - it's a 10-acre jungle. I used to work with chimpanzees, and orangutans, and capuchin monkeys, and I raised a family of 12 marmoset monkeys. It just kind of, my friends started calling me Troyzan, which is a play on words. The hair, and the look...they're like, you're like Tarzan, but you're Troyzan."
"I'm a freelance photographer. I've worked with Sports Illustrated, the swimsuit issue, for the last 5 or 6 years. It doesn't get any better. We've got this exotic location, the greatest girls on the planet, supermodels from all over the world. We have a great crew."
"It's what every photographer dreams of, shooting the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. You can't beat it."
"I'm totally an athletic person. I've been that way my whole life. I swim almost every day. Not in the ocean, but I go to the ocean, and I swim when I can in Miami. I've been a cyclist, I've raced bicycles. I've constantly, on my property, 10-acre property, I'm running around like a jungle guy. I climb trees - we have 200 avocado trees in the grove. I'm always climbing up them. With the monkeys I used to chase around, and work with the chimps, it was like wild man. I have a definite advantage. I feel completely at home here, I really do. The environment, the humidity, the bugs, everything."
"I'm-I'm-I'm at home. This is my sand."
"This is my island. This is my island, people. Just get out my way. I got, what, 17 people to get rid of? 17 people. That's it. That's nothing. I've been waiting 4,000 days to do this. 4,000 days, since the very first episode. The very first episode I saw, with Richard Hatch running around naked, and people scrapping for food, and all that. I frickin' freaked out. I said, 'That's it. This show is mine. It's created for me.'"
"Watching the show over the seasons, I thought, oh, it's physical, how many fish we can catch, how much food you can get, who's not gonna starve. I didn't realize how much of a mental game it was until I actually got here and started looking at people and realizing how much I was thinking, even when I'm laying down at night, or looking at the stars. That's all I'm doing, is calculating - what would she do? What's she really like? What's he like? What's he gonna do? Is he looking at me? Is he looking at somebody else? I see what people are doing when they just react to a fly that lands on their hand. Are they freaking out? Are they going like this? (waves his hands around in panic) Are they just touching their toe in the water a little bit? What are they doing? I want people who are paranoid, like, 'Oh my God, it's raining,' or, 'Oh my God, a rat just crawled across me.' They're gonna freak. If their mind starts to freak all the time, throughout the day, I can plant seeds in their head of whatever I want. I can be like, 'Holy Christ, I saw 8 rats down there, what are we gonna do? Lightning's gonna hit us. We're gonna die out here. We're gonna die.' If they quit, hey, they quit. If they come running my way, hey, all the power to me. I'm Troyzan, baby. (flexes his arms and laughs) Let's roll. It's gonna be classic."
"When I used to watch Survivor, I was like, a million dollars, gee, that'd be awesome. But I've been striving for this so long, it's been my quest, to get on Survivor and do the adventure of a lifetime, and push my body, my mind, my soul, to the ultimate spirit. It's one of those things where I wanna win so bad, and the million's just gonna be the icing on the cake. I don't think about the million. I haven't been thinking about the million. I just want to win. I want to be the greatest Survivor of all time. That's all I think about. When I win, the money will just be like, oh my God. It's hard not to think about it. Like, Jesus, I'm here, 17 people away from one million dollars."
"I carry a million dollar bill around in my wallet. It's a fake one, but I've carried it for 11 years, saying, at some point, I'm going to cash this in. I'm going to look at this as a million dollar bill. It's fake but I'm going to get the real money. The energy is pulling it in."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
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Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 17:11, 02 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 2:
Looking Forward To Tribal
Troyzan explains why he is actually looking forward to going to Tribal Council.
"I don't think Bill got any flak for losing the challenge. He didn't lose the challenge himself. He did a great job of calling guys out and bringing them back. We were ahead by 3 different guys. All the guys, we were standing there helping him with the puzzle. We were looking at the puzzle cross-eyed. We didn't know as much as he did. He did a great job. He was one piece away. Everyone's like, 'Hey Bill, you did great, there's nothing else you could have done.' The girls kept peeking over at our puzzle, they saw every piece we put in, they did a sneaky move and won. But that's Survivor."
"I'm really looking forward to Tribal tonight. First, I want to see what it looks like. I've always been interested to know what it's like to sit in front of this fire, with Jeff Probst across from you, asking you all these questions and not letting you get away with anything, and seeing how people squirm and squirrel. I don't know. Our tribe's kind of like out there. We've got some loose cannons. Who knows what Tarzan's going to say. Who knows if Matt's going to blow up. It could be pretty wild. I'm very interested in this. I want to see how it looks. I've watched it so many years, it's Tribal Council. Holding that torch for the first time, I'm jacked out. I'll get all emotional. I might shed a tear when I grab that torch."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 20:30, 09 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 4:
Donuts In Our Heads
Troyzan discusses Manono's loss in the reward challenge.
"We went to that reward challenge thinking, man, a big board full of tiles that are huge, with a slingshot. We have more power. We can take that sling back 10 more feet and fire it right...we did take the lead. When we took the lead we were like, oh, this is gonna be great. Then all the sudden they hit one. They're down to just 4. They hit 4 out, they got 1 to go. I'm like, oh God, we're gonna lose. We so wanted these donuts and this coffee. That was gold. (laughs) That's all we thought about. We didn't care about anything else."
"I think the donuts got in our heads. We were so wanting our focus left. We go up there and shoot, but if we miss, you don't remember where you were on the platform, or how far you pulled it back. Normally guys would calculate, cause they know they're gonna go again. OK, I went a little high, do I need to adjust myself. Those guys were going up there, and every time they'd come back, be like, 'Oh, those donuts. Coffee in the morning, can you imagine? The girls...' Plus, they started out girls, like they always do. They always start out slow and then they come back. I'm thinking these challenges now, these girls are very capable. They've won challenges we thought we were gonna get. We thought it was gonna be total domination in every challenge for the first time in Survivor history. That hasn't happened. If we lose again, oh man, it's not gonna look good."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Sob 10:16, 17 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 5 - 2 filmiki:
We Caught A Rooster
Troyzan describes his battle with the chicken.
"We caught a rooster today, which we've been trying to catch for days now. As a team we circled around him. He went right, left, went into our shelter. Then he escapes out through 2 people, and at the last minute, I did the full on cornerback move, football-style, dived at him, and grabbed him."
"I've never killed a chicken, but I feel like we're hungry out here, and my full on primal instincts have come out full force. It was agreed we should kill it now. I said, yeah. I'm really into animals, and I wanted to do the humane thing. Kill the animal, do it quick, thank the animal for food. I'm one of these guys who believes in reincarnation. You'll come back another day. Thank you for providing us food. (makes chopping sound)"
Survivor Heaven
Troyzan feels blessed to be on the new Salani tribe and winning challenges.
"Total domination today. I thought it was gonna be some kind of competition where it would at least be somewhat even. I look out there on the water and there's these basketball booths. I'm thinking, we've got Mike who's 6'4'' or something. They've got Leif who's like 4 foot something. I thought, this is gonna be a disaster for them. We just totally...it was 5-1, but it very well could have been 5-zip. It's almost like we gave them a gift. It's crazy."
"I was like, this is a breeze so far. This new tribe thing. We've got the hottest chicks, we got food up the ying-yang yesterday, we dominate the challenges, hopefully we'll have a sweet reward challenge tomorrow. I'm like - what else? It's like Survivor heaven. It's Survivor heaven right now, to me. You can tell by my face. I'm laughing all the time. The gods are with me."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 23:21, 23 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 6 - 3 filmiki:
Everyone Was Shocked
Troyzan feels bad that Colton had to leave and is shocked by the merge.
"Tribal was wild tonight. Everyone went in, we had no idea what the heck was going on. Are we gonna vote somebody out, is another tribe gonna vote one of us out. Everyone's speculating. Jeff told us that Colton had appendicitis, a bad case of it, and he had to retire from the game. It took him out. Everyone was shocked, because Colton's such a good player, and we know how much he loved the game. At least I did. My initial reaction was I felt sad for the guy, because he really loves the game, like me, and he's probably been waiting to get on for quite a while. At first everyone was pretty shocked and pretty saddened that somebody had to leave without being voted out. That was kind of strange."
"Then Jeff goes in asking a few questions, like he does, then says, 'By the way, drop your buffs.' It was like, oh God, here we go again. It feels like we just dropped our buffs. He goes, you're now one tribe, and you're going to be competing for individual immunity. That's it, folks. 12 people in one camp. I'm like, oh geez. I thought I had a strategy on day 1 or 2, then it switched when I went to the Salani tribe, now I feel like it's gonna switch again. 12 people, that's a lot. One shelter that barely fits 8. The whole dynamic of it threw me for a loop. I'm gonna try to see what I can do tonight, talk to a few individuals, see where they stand, see what's up in their mind. Lay a little low."
It Felt Really Good
Troyzan is thrilled with his performance at the reward challenge.
"I've been thinking a lot about the challenges lately, and I've been doing fairly well. Part of me is like, I want to really excel. I thought to myself before I left this morning that I need to step it up. I'm very competitive. I haven't been playing this like I would if I played a football game or a basketball game. When I was a professional, I did some cycling. I really said, Troy, you've gotta treat this like it's serious. I got up there and I think I scored twice. I scored the last shot. The last shot, I closed my eyes before I went up, and I imagined myself turning around to my tribe and saying, 'I got this thing.' And that's exactly the way it happened. I fired into the net, it hit the center target, knocked it out. I turned around to my tribe and said, 'Get your asses up here...' I thought Jay was gonna tackle me over the edge and we were gonna go flying into the net. I felt really good."
"I walk in, a long walk along the beach, and I see this ice cream parlor. I'm like, 'Oh my God, this is really real.' I haven't had anything sweet. Everything I've been eating is salty. Salty clams, fish, salty rice - the girls like to add tons of salt. My taste buds are salt. So I was like, 'Thank God it's gonna be something sweet.' I'm just a chocolate and vanilla guy - I don't know if that's my personality, being the 50 year old guy, regular chocolate, vanilla, with chocolate syrup. I added a bunch of nuts, because nuts are protein. I don't know if the rest of my tribe were thinking like that. We can take advantage here a little bit. Don't just put sprinkles, or jack yourself up with just sugar. If there's protein there, take it. There's a bunch of nuts. Eat 'em. Eat the whole damn jar. I just put tons of nuts, and a couple of boisenberrys, or whatever they were. I had 3 bowls."
I Drive Myself Nuts
Troyzan is baffled by the latest tree mail.
"Treemail said that..."
"Basically, it said, you don't win, you don't lose, which means there's not a challenge. You just go straight to Tribal Council and vote. I don't know, maybe not vote, maybe just go to Tribal Council. It doesn't say you're gonna vote, so maybe we're not gonna vote. Maybe we're just gonna go there and watch something from the other tribe. Who knows. Maybe drop your buffs. I don't know. At this point, to speculate, I drive myself nuts, so I try not to go into this speculation thing. My tribe, and the other tribe, do that too. There's so much like, what if this, and that scenario, and that scenario. The past Survivors don't matter. They don't do the same thing every time. Why would they do something exact the same. The Survivor guys don't want us to know what happening. That's the key. I'm trying not to figure it out. That way I can keep calm and steady and figure out what I need to do when I get there."
"This could be the new twist no one's ever seen. That would be smart for the Survivor gods to do that, to be like, hey, let 'em sit at Tribal Council and squirm for a few hours, they don't know anything, and then Jeff'll lay it on us and everyone will look more confused and look guilty. I'm kind of looking forward to this nuttiness. We'll see."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 21:57, 30 Mar 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 7 - 2 filmiki:
Dream Come True
Troyzan is thrilled to have found the hidden immunity idol.
"I've been a fan for so long, I mean an adamant fan. Season after season. Every time a new season comes around, I freak out, and stare at my TV and I watch these guys find immunity idols. To me it seems like it's so difficult to get that position. To find it this morning..."
"That's like winning the gold medal. I feel like I've just gone to the Olympics. I've won the gold."
"This is the Survivor I wanted to have happen. My Survivor experience so far - if I could have written it out 11 years ago, 'This is what's gonna happen, this is where you're gonna be,' this is exactly what's going on. I wake up at night and look at the stars, I feel like I get power. The challenges have been great. The gameplaying has been crazy in my head."
"Dream come true, baby. It really is a dream come true. I have envisioned so many images in 11 years, standing in water, doing the challenges, going fishing, bickering with people, starting fires, scrapping, being hungry, scrapes all over my legs. Everything. It really is my dream and it's coming true. And it's only the first half. I can't even imagine what the last half's going to be. I plan on sitting there at the last Tribal Council. I plan on sitting there. I'm already going over a speech."
"It's all working out. All the Survivor seasons I've watched, I'm taking little pieces of it, putting it together, Troyzan's One World experience. And it is outstanding."
"I'm not starving out here. I'm hungry, but I'm not starving. I'm not gonna work my butt off for food, knowing there's food rewards coming up. I'm not gonna go crab hunt for twelve people who sit on their butt all day. I'm gonna live off that pizza as long as I can, have my three or four bites of rice, and keep going."
EW Deleted Scene
When Jeff put the immunity necklace around my neck, and it touched my body, I was like, what? I've watched this happen so many times in the past, in seasons before.
Wow, there's Jeff Probst standing there, and he's gonna put an immunity necklace around me, that I really won. I've only imagined it, but to actually have it happen...
I didn't freak out and go crazy as much as I have when we won rewards, but inside, I was like, 'Wow.' I joined an elite group. There's not many people in Survivor history who have had an immunity necklace around their neck. I was like, wow, I just joined an elite group of, to me, great Survivors. I'm like, 'Wow.' Then Jeff puts it on, he's got his hand on me, I'm standing here with Jeff Probst. Where am I right now? It was definitely an out of body experience. I was in another world.
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 20:44, 06 Kwi 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 8 - 2 filmiki:
I'm a Happy Camper
Troyzan is thankful that the winning tribe shared their 7UP.
"I tell you what, man, to have something sweet in my mouth is crazy. When I was a kid, 7UP was my favorite drink. This is no BS. When I saw the 7UP today, I was like, 'Oh my...' Plus it was ice cold. We haven't had anything ice cold, sweet. Everything we eat here is salty, because we cook with sea salt. This is an awesome dessert. It's like we won the reward. I'm a happy camper right now."
"I see half the tribe coming back, and Mike and Leif are carrying this cooler. I'm like, oh great, they're bringing us 7Up. They didn't have to. I thought they would, because I knew they'd feel guilty. They're getting this massive reward at a resort with hot dogs, steak, potato salad, pool, key lime pie. I thought, 'Great.' I had no idea the thing was so heavy. It weighed like 200 pounds. They filled the thing full of 36 bottles, I don't know, maybe more. They maybe had 50 bottles of 7UP in that thing. It could last us to the end if I drink half a bottle a day. I'm trying to save this, so I'm drinking as slow as I can."
It Gets Under My Skin
Troyzan is disappointed to have lost the reward and annoyed by the other tribe's celebration.
"The challenge was brutal. It wasn't brutal, it's brutal to lose. Such a big deal to go eat meat, plus dessert, plus sit around by poolside and drinking 7UP. It was so disappointing, to know it was right in your grasp."
"I saw those blocks of wood, puzzles in the water, and I was like, those things are gonna be heavy, and it's gonna be one of those things where you have to flip it a bunch of times. Our girls just weren't flipping the things fast enough. That was our downfall."
"It pissed me off, watching Leif and Mike, kind of gloating a little bit. I guess Leif hasn't won a reward, he's fired up for it. But still, watching Mike, man, that just irks me. That's what irks me the most. I'm a good sport, but watching too much celebration, it gets under my skin. Maybe it's the fact that it's a great, great food win. I imagined a steak. A steak. That was in my brain, stuck there. I stood on top of the puzzle after it was over, looking at it like, what just happened? I thought we were doing fairly well. But in the back of my mind, when the girls couldn't do the puzzle, I was like, oh man, this is gonna be a bad thing."
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Dołączył: 27 Mar 2010
Posty: 3873
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wysłany: Pią 22:06, 20 Kwi 2012 Temat postu: |
Insider odcinek 10 - 2 filmiki:
I Needed This
Troyzan explains why he bought the immunity clue at the auction.
"So, at the auction, everyone's bidding for food items. I know, in the back of my mind, that there's an envelope out there that will have something to do with immunity. I'm not sure if other people know or not. They're all bidding on food, and I'm watching, getting pissed off. These people can bid away, and I can't bid on anything, because I'm going to have to spend everything to get this immunity envelope. It comes up, and the bids start low. Christina starts bidding on it. I'm like, why is she so adamant about getting this thing? $260. $280. $300. It goes up to like fricking $400..."
"$420. I'm like, fine, but I'm looking at her like, she thinks she's in an alliance, why is she so worried? She's basically going along, Kat, Alicia, Sabrina are like, go again, go again. They're using her money and basically using her. When I won, I walked up and slammed my land on the counter, like, 'Yeah!' Jeff was like, what the hell was that, why are you slamming your first? I was like, because I needed this. It's me against them. These people piss me off. They're having Christina pump up the bidding just so they can be safe, using her as a guinea pig. Then when they didn't get it, 'We're not using her as a guinea pig! She can do it on her own!' Bullcrap. You guys are egging her on to bid more, with her money. You're being a bunch of idiots. It pissed me off. I feel very alone. I've got no alliance, I'm gonna be voted out next if I don't have immunity. It makes me angry. They keep thinking, it's just a game, can't you understand? Yeah, it's a game, but I'm competitive, and I have a right to get pissed off. You jerkwads are gonna, I'm gonna do everything in my power to beat you. I'm gonna scream every time, I'm gonna go right in your face, because you basically did this to me."
One Crazy Night
Troyzan is happy with the chaos he is causing around camp.
(standing in front of flag)
"I love it. Today is a good day. Win immunity necklace and basically put it in their face. I'm all alone. If they don't like it, the way they feel now is the way I felt yesterday. Eat some of that. That's the way I feel. I felt the same way. Except they've got each other. I don't have anybody. If they feel all pissed off, fine. I was pissed off yesterday, and they acted like I shouldn't be mad."
"If they want to act afraid, and I can put some kind of fear in their eyes, and their hearts, and their minds, and make them get crazy, all the power to me. Today, this is my island. I told them that. Actually screamed it to them. (laughs) It's gonna be an interesting Tribal. I think I'll have fun, and it's gonna be one crazy night, with Troyzan at the head."
"Plus they think I have a hidden immunity idol. They're going even more crazy. They think I have an immunity necklace, plus an idol. They think I'm going to play the idol. They don't know what to do. Plus I'm acting really suspicious, I'm saying a lot of different things. I don't know what's going on in their mind, but I know they're totally paranoid. They're not saying anything, especially Chelsea. She sits there like, no expression. Kim's not sure if she's going. I've still got to talk to Christina about a few things, and see if I can stir up some more stuff. The more I can stir up the better, because it helps me with my immunity challenges. Stay tuned."
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Insider odcinek 11 - 2 filmiki:
Secret Scene: Troyzan
Troyzan joins in the crazy behavior at camp.
(day 29)
(Alicia runs out of the shelter in horror as they see maggots)
Sabrina: Are those maggots? Oh my God! Can we just burn these?
Troyzan (solo): These people are knuckleheads. Sabrina's from Brooklyn, so she's not around any kind of animal or wildlife. (does a mocking voice) Then Kat's like the little kid, she'll just blurt something out.
Kat: Waves took my shoe. Story of my life. Ultimate fail. Big fail. (?) I have one shoe, but not the other shoe. That is the story of my life.
Troy (solo): Kat has some goofy statements. I just kind of roll my eyes.
(while Troy is sitting on the beach, Christina trips over a rock)
Troy (different solo): And Christina is a complete moron. The more I talk to her, the more I think, is anything happening in her brain? Hello?
(Troyzan talking about the rhino beetle)
Troy (different solo): Tarzan is the strangest guy I've ever encountered. He's like this character from another planet.
(more of the old clip with Troy and Tarzan looking at the beetle)
Troy (different solo): This is an example of how weird my tribemates are. They're out in left field.
(Alicia is trying to ride a pig; Sabrina has green paint on her face and is doing a dance)
Troyzan (voiceover): It drives me crazy, so I might join in today.
(while in the water with Tarzan, Troy drops his trunks)
Sabrina: Please spare me! I don't want to see 50-year old penis out here! I don't!
Troy: It's still my island!
(Chelsea points while Troy is diving)
Sabrina: I can't. (laughing)
Troy: He just did a dolphin dive where his butt would come out of the water.
Troy: Sabrina, come on!
Troy (solo): I swear, I will look back on this and think, what has this One World turned into? We are the dumbest cast I've ever seen.
Tarzan (after removing his trunks): Fuzzy squares!
Alicia (in the water, holding up some clothes): Fuzzy squares!
(Troy holding his swimsuit in front of himself and yelling something)
Troyzan the Day After
Troyzan reflects on his time in the game the day after he is voted out of Survivor: One World
"Wow. My overall experience is like, wow. So much happened. Overall, now that I've thought about it for a while, I'm pretty satisfied. I accomplished quite a bit of what I actually wanted to do, what I thought before I came in the game. Finding the immunity idol, winning challenges not only as a group, but individual immunity challenges, especially winning the first one, I was so excited. I had waited so long to have Jeff Probst put that thing around my neck."
"Really, being myself 100%. I didn't lie about who I was and what I was doing. If I was happy, I was happy. If I was mad, I was gonna get mad at you. If I cried, I cried. I was 100% Troyzan, just like everyone at home knows me. I played as hard as I could. In hindsight, I accomplished quite a bit, and what I envisioned coming in, everything, except that million dollar check, basically I got done."
"I took a leadership role, and I had a target on my back from day 1, and I just rolled with it. I feel very proud that I could basically move and groove and get people booted out. I thought maybe that first day, those first two days, I'd be the first one to go. Going from that thought, to where I ended up 32 days later, I think I played super-strong. I'm pretty proud of how I played, and I'm excited to look back and actually see what happened along the way."
"Going through all that lets me know I can do whatever I want to do, even though I may have some fear about it. If I just say, 'Troy, just do it, do it right now, you don't have time to lose, now's the time,' I really can do it."
"I will look at this experience probably the rest of my life, and think, hey, there was those 30 days, back when - maybe 10 years from now - I didn't have a toothbrush, and I didn't have this. I really won't take it for granted. I'll appreciate what I have. I'll probably remind people of what they have. I think I may be a good teacher of that kind of thing. I'm really happy about the experience. Every day I discover something new. Even in the last few hours, I'll reflect and go back and be like, 'Man, remember the time...' I'll be sitting there late at night, looking at the stars, and realize something. Yeah, it's pretty cool."
"The survival part was difficult. I knew I'd be hungry...I never had the feeling that I'd be hungry all the time. I thought at some point I'd feel satisfied; I never felt satisfied. OK, maybe after a reward, but (laughs) then I'd feel too satisfied, like I just want to get this out of my system, because I'd basically stuffed myself. As far as the social thing, I had no idea my mind would be going 24 hours a day for 30 days. Seriously. I was constantly wondering who am I gonna speak to, and at what time am I gonna do it, and when is the exact right time. I would be writing names down in the sand, like (counting on fingers), this many people, they're gonna do this, and this many people, they're gonna do that, and if one person changes, then what's gonna happen. I had to constantly figure that someone was gonna be gunning for me, and I had to get to them before they got to me. I never slept at night. I slept a half-hour, then I woke up, put a log on the fire, and thought like, OK, I need to wake up at the crack of dawn, so these people can't see me looking for an idol. Or, I have to wake up at the crack of dawn so I can try to figure out who I want to grab first to talk to. This person can't see me talking to them. It was constantly going."
"Troyzan on Survivor probably made an outstanding run, accomplished almost everything he could do, the odds were really stacked against me at the end. I think I proved that I really am a great survivor. It's the people I played against, that were scared of me. They were like, 'This guy's so good, he's Mr. Survivor, he can do anything, he can fish, he can get crab, he can cut wood, he can start fire, he can run, he's athletic, he's a 50 year old and he's competing with people half his age. I felt like I was a super-strong guy. I had a target on my back. They were that afraid of me, and I was the great Troyzan. That made me feel really good."
"I played a fricken good game. I just came 9 days short. Overall, I think, years from now, I'll look back and think, Troy, you showed a true spirit of Survivor. 11 years watching the game, I think people are gonna like how I played, I think they're gonna like me, and say, 'That guy, I'm gonna be like that Troyzan guy, he played a damn good game and couldn't do anything more than he did.' I think I might be part of the legends of Survivor. I hope that I am."
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